Meet Louisiana Republican Governor Candidate Ralph Abraham – IOTW Report

Meet Louisiana Republican Governor Candidate Ralph Abraham

More details at Abraham for

Louisiana readers and lurkers- What do you think?

h/t RightWingFeather.

12 Comments on Meet Louisiana Republican Governor Candidate Ralph Abraham

  1. Why not give him a chance. They’ve tried the corrupt democrats who’ve fleeced the taxpayers for generations and left a shambles in their wake.
    There’s only one way it can go from here, I hope they don’t get a nose bleed from the rapid rise upward.

  2. I live here in SE Louisiana. We’ve had enough of Gov Ackbar (you just go ahead and try to tell me Jon Bel Edwards doesnt look like the Squid Admiral from Star Wars – “It’sh A Trap!!”)

    I’ve been following Abraham for a couple years now. He’s got my vote. Hell, I’ll even donate to his campaign.

  3. Agreed ML. My impression is that he is a true conservative and I am always cynical of anybody that says that the are one. He seems to actually be the real deal.

  4. Not my State, seems like a good candidate, but a word of advice to Louisianan’s…. if he pops up with a campaign ad yeehawing how proud he is to have grown up castrating hogs, he’s a turncoat.

    Next thing ya know he’ll be paling around with Gillibrand, denouncing Trump, and hoping aboard the #MeToo train.

  5. I love in North Louisiana and can assure you that all of our politicians are corrupt. We should have a contest on most corrupt, but my state would win hands down.

  6. @Engleburka Engleburka — Last night I listened to three speeches delivered at the “Conservative Congress/Convention”. It was Newt Gingrich’s new org that was created — either in advance of because of — his Contract for America. The three speakers were Gingrich, Margaret Thatcher and Bill Buckley.

    I was wondering whatever became of that organization and I believe it is now the same org called GOPAC, and it is primarily a recruiting, education and campaign finance org. And from rummaging around their site, it also seems like it has drifted very far afield from its roots and is like a RINO mill (I could be very much mistaken about that). But Joni Ernst is one of their recruits and it was primarily GOPAC who got her elected. She owes them a lot and so it is making me wonder just what kinds of people they are “educating” to their ways.

  7. Smart move. Black Americans are far more aligned with Christian values — or at least identify more closely, in theory — than with the Left’s unholy agenda of abortion, transgenderism, etc.


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