Meet the Anti-Semitic Spiritual Guru on Cori Bush’s Payroll – IOTW Report

Meet the Anti-Semitic Spiritual Guru on Cori Bush’s Payroll

Nathaniel Davis, who claims he’s 109 trillion years old and that Jews control the world, has received $137,000 from Bush since 2020.

WFB: He claims he can summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate, and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies. An intergalactic master of psychic self-defense born 109 trillion years ago, his days, he says, are now spent tending to his crops and spreading anti-Semitic conspiracies.

Nathaniel Davis III also happens to be Rep. Cori Bush’s (D., Mo.) close friend and her highest-paid private security guard.

Davis has earned over $137,000 providing “security services” for Bush since 2020, according to FEC filings, the latest of which showed disbursements of $5,000 in Dec. 2022. Using dozens of social media posts, including photos and videos that show Davis with Bush, the Washington Free Beacon has confirmed that Davis is in fact a St. Louis, Missouri, spiritual guru known as Aha Sen Piankhy who teaches classes on how to read minds, summon mythical beings, and maintain urban gardens—to avoid having to buy food from the Jews. more here

12 Comments on Meet the Anti-Semitic Spiritual Guru on Cori Bush’s Payroll

  1. He’s even loonier than one of L Ron Hubbard’s wacked out Scientology lunatics. Calypso Louie needs to come along with his mothership and collect this nut that escaped from the cosmic loonie bin. If he was a dog and from the dog star Sirius he’d be 763 trillion years old. Where do they find morons like this? He’s the king of the wacked out space cadet planet, Beyond Bizarro.

  2. “He claims he can summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate, and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies.”

    AKA Son of Satan.

    Shortened that up for you.

    You’re welcome.

  3. I bet if you put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger, he would keel over dead. Aha Sen Piankhy who teaches classes on how to read minds, summon mythical beings, and maintain urban gardens—to avoid having to buy food from the Jews. He’s a class act bs’er.

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