Meet The Mastermind Behind Muslim Violence In The Philippines – IOTW Report

Meet The Mastermind Behind Muslim Violence In The Philippines

A second month of fighting between government troops and Muslim rebels in a southern Philippine city is turning to a search for a man sought by Manila as well as the United States for his leadership in terrorism over the past 20 years.  – Story at Blazing Cat Fur


9 Comments on Meet The Mastermind Behind Muslim Violence In The Philippines

  1. Duterte has a simple Winning Plan:

    Identify the enemy.
    Shoot the enemy.

    It’s all that works.
    All that’s ever worked.

    Western Civilization and the future of Mankind depend on it.

  2. That’s about $100k US. That’ll buy at least five nice households
    in Cebu. They’ll get the phucka if he’s in any Pinoy province. My bet
    is he’s not in area and driving the shit from the internet. More non Pinoy muzzie POS invading the country.
    Duterte should shut down all of the internet cafes on Mindanao, or use by voter card validation only. That would put a big block on that shit real fast.

  3. I knew the peso was pretty much worthless. The last time I was in the Philippines in 1975 all I remember is that we got a hell of a lot for one American dollar there. And I think I might still have a few pesos left lying around somewhere around here. Hey it could be worse, if it was the Russians it would be payable in rubles which are even more worthless. Having said that the Philippines was the greenest place I’ve ever been to in my life because of all the rain and its tropical climate. The fields radiated almost a bright dazzling dayglow green in the PI, they could grow anything there including some of the biggest bugs and lizards (everywhere) I ever saw.

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