Meghan McCain blasts Harris for visiting John McCain memorial in Hanoi while ignoring Afghanistan – IOTW Report

Meghan McCain blasts Harris for visiting John McCain memorial in Hanoi while ignoring Afghanistan

Just The News– Meghan McCain criticized Vice President Kamala Harris on Twitter on Wednesday for visiting a memorial in Vietnam to her late father, Sen. John McCain, instead of focusing on the situation in Afghanistan.

The vice president’s Twitter account posted on Wednesday, “Today, on the three-year anniversary of his passing, I paid my respects to an American hero, Senator John McCain. At this site in 1967, then-Lieutenant Commander McCain was shot down. We honor his sacrifice in Vietnam, and the sacrifice of all our men and women in uniform.”

McCain ripped Harris for visiting her father’s memorial in Vietnam, instead of giving her attention to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, where many Americans are still waiting to be evacuated and 12 U.S. service members were killed in explosions and gunfire outside of the Kabul airport on Thursday.

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20 Comments on Meghan McCain blasts Harris for visiting John McCain memorial in Hanoi while ignoring Afghanistan

  1. It is NOT a “memorial” to McShame. It is a monument to the anti-aircraft gunners. The only reason his name is even on it is because the information he provided improved their accuracy.

  2. Fuck Meghan McCain (not literally tho’… gross). She fucked over Trump at every turn. She’s as much responsible for this shitty situation the country is in than anyone else.

  3. Kameltoe is doing what your dad did to America Meghan. Like Kameltoe, your dad was a turncoat. This was all Biden’s doing the same as it was all your dad’s doing. Your dad wasn’t a hero.

  4. Anything McCain and Kamala Harris is shit.

    Mccain was a ‘war hero’ my ass. I read many writings by other POWs, and he was a rat.

    When he got in the senate, he became a rat one again. The only good thing about this asshole is he’s in the ground.

    As for Harris, HPV will probably nail her slutty ass.


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