Meghan McCain whines that Joe Biden lied to her – IOTW Report

Meghan McCain whines that Joe Biden lied to her

Pacific Pundit: Oh look, the spawn of McCain is out seeking media attention again. After following in her father’s footsteps sucking up to Biden and bashing Trump for four years, Meghan McCain is whining about how Joe Biden lied to her. Someone may want to remind Piglet McCain that her mother Cindy McCain still works for Biden as an ambassador. more here

25 Comments on Meghan McCain whines that Joe Biden lied to her

  1. “Meghan McCain whines that Joe Biden lied to her”

    …s’ok, traitor and semen of traitor,he lies to everyone, it’s kind of his thing.

    But I would have thought YOU of all people would be used to it, what with watching your daddy lie to everyone all the time your whole life and all. Did you think the crowd he ran with would be any different?

    Hope he’s enjoying the hell he earned for himself. I hear he’s keeping a seat *warm* for YOU, too.

    And THAT, for once, ain’t no lie.

    Go to him, Meg.

    And fuck you.

  2. Perhaps, Senator McCain’s porcine daughter will get even with Joey Obiden for duping her and the rest of the Never Trumpers by not attending any of the big events celebrating the great success of Obamacare and canceling the Keystone Pipeline? How about that celebration of the Build Back Better Plan and the Inflation it caused? Transgender arithmetic? Ukraine? Russia? China? Taiwan? Dementia Appreciation Days?

  3. Maybe Meg would feelz beddar if we came up with a nickname for her, you know, like her dad is ‘Songbird’ McCain for helping the NVA murder his shipmates.

    Perhaps we can have a contest? Winner gets the smug satisfaction of winning the Interwebs for the day.

    “Cunt” and “Bitch” and “Whore” fit her, but are more descriptors than nicknames. All the ‘Fat’ stuff is too easy.

    I like “Quizla” for her, as a feminine version of Quisling. It speaks to her traitorous nature and lineage, and also the fact that she pretends to be on God’s side while working for the devil the whole time.

    Anyone else wanna try?

  4. @Joe Squid: Books of that type (Clinton, Obama, Biden, McCain), end up at the Dollar Tree or thrift stores, then shredded. I saw Obama and Hillary’s books there in big bins. No one was looking at them. LOL!

  5. Has that worthless fuck Biden ever actually told the truth to anyone about anything?

    “I can’t believe my ex-con boyfriend punched me in the face and stole all my stuff!”

    – Dumb Crunts

  6. As the saying goes, “A blind hog will eventually find and acorn.”

    She benefitted from her name and received a TV gig with whoopi and the hags on the view making the big bucks.
    Like her father, she betrayed all principles of integrity for notoriety, money and to be applauded by the socialist democrats.

    It took her quite a long time to find an acorn of truth.
    It’s too late to regain any level of integrity by now biting the socialist Democrats who made her wealthy and famous.

  7. She, of all people, should have known – or remembered – that words mean ABSOLTELY NOTHING to any politician of any stripe. They’re no more than cheap disguises to hide the pols’ real intent. Boooo f’n Hoooooo…


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