Megyn Kelly ADMITS to Ted Cruz the record shows he DID NOT SUPPORT legalization in 2013 Amnesty showdown – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly ADMITS to Ted Cruz the record shows he DID NOT SUPPORT legalization in 2013 Amnesty showdown

TRS: Ted Cruz was on with Megyn Kelly right after the debate tonight and midway through the interview she brought up her question to him about his poison pill amendments in the 2013 showdown on amnesty in the Senate.

What I thought was noteworthy was that Kelly admitted to Cruz that after thoroughly reviewing his record on whether or not he supported legalization, she believes his record does support his argument that his amendments were really poison pill amendments and that he never actually supported legalization.  Read More

26 Comments on Megyn Kelly ADMITS to Ted Cruz the record shows he DID NOT SUPPORT legalization in 2013 Amnesty showdown

  1. Megyn, sweetie, you calculating, narcissistic bint. Too little too late.

    I have never cared for people who exude a cat that ate the canary vibe. When there’s a dollop of psycho thrumming through their demeanor, I flee. She has a healthy serving of both.

  2. So she knew that the question was bogus and that Cruz had been telling the truth all along, but said nothing about it when it was asked during the debate. Gee, I wonder why Trump doesn’t trust her. I guessed it helped accomplish the Fox goal of propping up Rubio as the new GOPe savior though.

  3. Gang of 8 bill would’ve passed if Cruz hadn’t inserted the bill that took Citizenship off the table. So we all have Cruz to thank for doing that. Chuck Schumer, a member of the gang of 8, admitted that the Cruz amendment killed the bill.

    It exposed the dems and GOPe that they actually wanted citizenship for the illegals.

    So Trump supporters need to remember that. Trump has talked tough on immigration and his big beautiful walls but Cruz had to face down his party on this subject. So I don’t think anybody can throw darts at Cruz on immigration anymore.

    Meanwhile Trump uses illegals at all of his businesses. It is a little bit hypocritical is it not. The masses are falling for the sales job that Trump is doing, while ignoring his history.

  4. TO jp4

    I give Cruz credit for what he did then, and remind you he has both positives and negatives…like Trump and each of us.

    Hearing Cruz’s waffling on amnesty/citizenship, and his white-collar H1-B position IN NO WAY gives him a “clean bill of health” on immigration.

    Furthermore – and I will be a broken record on this as long as necessary – Cruz’s actions on the Trans Pacific Trade Deal (TPP) negate most good will I have for the good man. In a similar manner that the decades of illegal alien flooding has decayed/diluted our country, TPP negates our country in that it makes the USA beholden – legally! – to other countries and thereby trashes the sovereignty of the USA.

    Cruz is in that sense a globalist and NOT my candidate.

  5. a “P.S.” tp jp4

    I miseed your last paragraph.

    it is ILLEGAL for an employer
    to inquire about a job applicant’s
    citizenship (Y’KNOW…as in
    “are you a f’king illeagal?”).

    Everyone (except YOU) knows this.
    Trump has pointed this out. Repeatedly.
    You possess STRONG denial.

  6. (At Czar)
    Cruz didn’t waffle on amnesty and illegals. He killed the Gang of 8 amnesty bill. Kelly had to back track her comment on Cruz being in favor of amnesty.

    Don’t you remember Cruz voted against the TPP and fast track. He tried removing Import Export Bank and get amendments passed to take immigration agreements out of the pact which Jeff Sessions approved of and voted for.

    Of course that was all political, right?

    Yet you are cool with Trump flip flopping on a whole host of things and holding views and funding politicians that are whole heartedly against conservatives.

    You throw darts at Cruz and I respond to them but you do nothing to justify or respond to critics of Trump and his waffling on everything.

    So why are you a Trump supporter?
    Respond to the countless discrepancies of his stated views, and his very unconservative and anti liberty statements and views.

  7. TP jp4

    Your attempt at deception FAILS:
    Cruz voted “against” it…
    ONLY AFTER making sure his rider
    ensured the TPP’s PASSING!!!

    Get it NOW, chump?!

    * Elected November 2012
    * Took office January 2013
    * Fought ObamaCare February to Sept 2013

    * October 2013 – Cruz modifies his relationships within the Senate and joins NRSC and begins giving money from his leadership PAC to GOPe operatives.

    * January 2014 – Cruz announces he will not support any challengers in ’14 mid-term elections.

    * March/April 2014 – Cruz supporting Mitch McConnell.

    * June 2014 – McConnell’s full back-stabbing reaches sunlight over McDaniel in *Mississippi and protection of Thad Cochran.

    * July/August 2014 – Cruz says he doesn’t support McConnell any longer, yet remains on NRSC.

    * December ’14 Post election announces he’s leaving the NRSC.
    * Feb/March ’15 Meets with Paul Ryan and constructs road map for Chamber of Commerce requested, TPP trade deal.

    * April ’15 Pens open letter promoting TPA with Paul Ryan

    * May ’15 Creates “Fast Track” trade rider to attach to TPA changing vote threshold for approval/disapproval to simple majority – thereby insuring its passage. Also votes down amendment requiring congressional notification prior to China/Russia joining deal.

    * May ’15 Becomes first candidate to announce presidential bid.

    * June/July ’15 – Votes against his own TPA bill (cover) even though the rider he created insures its passage.

  8. See my post today in the BP. From the sounds of it, Trump will have no problems in IA or the rest of the country for that matter.

    Political operatives and people who try to win political arguments using convoluted politispeak are having a hard time with the people of forgotten America. Trump’s making pols who use phrases like “straight talk” look smarmy.

  9. At Czar:
    I admitted that I didn’t agree with Cruz on TPP and said at least he attempted to let Export Import Bank expire and remove any immigration commitments out of it. This can’t be the only issue to vote for. That would be ridiculous.

    Liberty, constitutional rights, adherence to constitution, judicial and supreme court nominees, foreign policy, 2nd amendment, healthcare are just as important and in some cases more important.

    You still don’t answer any of Donald’s issues that I posed earlier.

    I’ll get it started for you:
    -2008 election he told CNN that he wanted George W Bush impeached
    -Obama’s stimulus passed and he said Obama is “amazing” and “truly phenomenal”
    -Donated $50,000 to Rahm Emanuel’s Chicago mayoral campaign
    -Sept of 2015 he told 60 min that he wanted socialized healthcare similar to Canadian healthcare
    -Previously supported abortion, gun bans and now changes his views
    -Donated to Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign
    -Told CNN in 2012, “I think she does a good job…. The record of Hillary Clinton and how did she do as Secretary of State, probably above and beyond everybody else.”
    -Criticized Romney’s immigration plan and how self deportation would be effective. Trump called the self deportation plan maniacal. “it sounded as bad as it was and he lost all of the Latino vote. He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.” Now Trump talks of mass deportation, which I’m OK with, but can he be trusted on this.
    -Trump was the first candidate to call for US to open the doors to Syrian Refugees on Bill O’Reilly. Then he flipped and called for a total ban on Muslims
    -Trump has given to GOPe leaders and Super PAC’s that were anti Tea Partiers and anit-conservative.
    -He speaks glowingly of Bloomberg, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer and then bashes conservatives
    -Trump talks about companies taking business overseas and that he will get Apple to make their products here, while he has clothing lines that are made in China.
    -Trump has failed at countless businesses There isn’t enough room to discuss all of them here.

    But now everybody wants to believe he is a wonderful conservative. He is a salesman and conservatives have fallen for his sales job. All he has is words, there is nothing in his past that supports that he would follow through with his grandiose plans.

  10. I used to like Kelly. But Rosalind said it so perfectly. narcissistic, yes. cat that ate the canary? oh, it soooo fits her. did you ever notice how often she smirks? she is so different from Judge Jeannine, who is my favorite. Judge Jeanine IMO has true passion and angst for things that are not right. Kelly just loves to be in the spotlight and even when she is upset at somebody who has been wronged, she is smirking. what a phony

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