Megyn Kelly calls out Nikki Haley for refusing to say a man cannot become a woman – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly calls out Nikki Haley for refusing to say a man cannot become a woman

“This is utter bullsh*t. The WRONG ANSWER & an unnecessary weird pander to the rabid trans lobby,” Kelly wrote.

15 Comments on Megyn Kelly calls out Nikki Haley for refusing to say a man cannot become a woman

  1. “We want to make sure people can live any way they want to live…you should be free to live the way you want to live, government and everybody else can stay out of your way.” – Nikki Haley

    Well, I agree with that, but people living the way “they want to live” better not be waving that shit in MY face.

  2. I forget who it is here always blasting Trump for his gay support?
    Is it NightFox, SuperFox?
    Damn, my mind is blank.
    Anyway, Trump dropped the ball with the “can a man become a woman” question.
    A resounding “NO” is all he had to say…

  3. Dressing as a woman or as a man and adopting stereotypical behaviors of the opposite gender is OK…if that’s where it ends. Don’t make other people say you transformed into the opposite sex, or pay for your unnecessary surgeries, or call you by your demanded pronouns.

    Do your little make believe and STFU.

  4. Truckbuddy,
    That “free to live the way you want to live” street is a two way street, and applies just as equally to you as it does to “them”.
    So, someone throws that “free to live” in your face, you can throw it right back in their faces.
    (but be prepared to duck, I don’t think you want LibTurd head ‘splody all over your nice clothes)

  5. Unless you can show me gene splicing at the atomic level, to change XY into XX, nope, men can’t become women.
    XY men can play dress up, and mutilate themselves surgically and chemically.
    But, in the end, they’re still XY men.

  6. I agree, this is an easy answer for Haley. But Trump opened the door for trans in his Miss Universe pagents. He isn’t much better on these issues. He talks tough on the women sports issue but he helped create this mess.

  7. General- It’s really NOT that complicated. NONE of these mentally ill men and women suffer from ANY of the genetic variations that can occur. Indeed, those with something other than XX or XY deserve our sympathy and empathy, and most certainly for those who end up with “abnormal” genital development and who require radical surgery to try and make the “best” out of what has developed. But even that is NOT about mental illness nor the desperate need to hide from past emotional, physical, or sexual trauma that has created abject fear of a future in the body they were blessed with.


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