Megyn Kelly Gives Insider Information That Fox News Has Trapped Tucker Carlson In His Contract – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Gives Insider Information That Fox News Has Trapped Tucker Carlson In His Contract

Carlson is supposedly using entertainment lawyer Bryan Freedman for his exit from Fox.
[Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon are using him, too.]

American Tribune:
Inside sources at Fox News have leaked rumors that, despite being dropped from the network as of this past Monday, Tucker Carlson is still beholden to a contract that would prevent him from undertaking a new media venture until after the 2024 presidential election.

Former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, who now hosts her own podcast on Sirius XM, reported on information allegedly coming out of the collapsing “conservative” media company indicating Carlson has yet to reach terms of a complete exit from his contract.

“I want to, I think, break some news for you,” Kelly began on her show. “Tucker Carlson hasn’t actually been fired. He’s still an employee of the Fox News Channel. What happened was Suzanne Scott called him she’s the CEO on Monday morning and said he was not going to be allowed to do any more shows, and that he had been kicked out of his company email.”

“And now they’re going to have to negotiate an exit. Some reporting to me, suggests that, she said it’s going to be an amicable parting. Right, isn’t it?” she continued.

“I’m completely catching Tucker, off guard. But Tucker is not fired. That’s my information, that he still needs to negotiate the exit. And that right now he’s not free to launch a podcast or a digital show or negotiate with other employers at all. Because he’s still under contract,” she suggested for a second time. more

9 Comments on Megyn Kelly Gives Insider Information That Fox News Has Trapped Tucker Carlson In His Contract

  1. But he could be interviewed on other shows and give his opinion free of charge, like any citizen, while Fox seems to have him on PTO, couldn’t he?

    Or maybe he should just call in to Hannity’s radio show (and others) anonymously and then when he laughs we’d all recognize the voice but he would have plausible deniability.

  2. Next lawsuit for Fox is Smartmatic. Reported they are not willing to settle they way Dominion did. Tucker’s testimony in that court case would be very damning for Fox News.

  3. So? Can’t start his own show?
    How about making (semi) regular appearances on someone else’s show(s)?
    Such as (and I hesitate, but just to throw out a name) Crowder, on “Louder With Crowder”. Or (again), setting up a table, a la Crowder’s “Change My Mind”.
    I think doing an end-around like that would definitely chap Faux’s ass.

  4. Carlson could fill the long vacant spot on EIB that Rush used to have. Rush always said he was an entertainer, not a reporter or a journalist. The doesn’t seem to violate Carlson’s contract with Fox.

  5. Nothing legally prevents Tucker from “participating” in an AI generated image of himself with an AI generated “almost” Tucker voice, and providing “entertainment content”.

    Contracts have to do with himself delivering content.
    Not an artificial representation.


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