Megyn Kelly interviews man who claims he was sexually assaulted by Don Lemon – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly interviews man who claims he was sexually assaulted by Don Lemon

[…] Hice claimed in his lawsuit that Lemon had put his hand down his own pants, rubbed his private parts and then shoved his fingers into Hice’s face. “Anybody that acts like that in public without any fear of what it might do to somebody or the consequences it might have, that’s a pattern,” Hice told host Megyn Kelly.

10 Comments on Megyn Kelly interviews man who claims he was sexually assaulted by Don Lemon

  1. Yesterday I listened to the whole interview, about 40 minutes, Megyn is very good at probing guests. When he fled out the back door he noticed a police station right next door. He did not go in to report the assault, something he still regrets.

    Although I believe events went down exactly as described here, some things he did did not resonate with me. Using the frame of ,”What would I do in this situation”, running away out the back door would not be it. I doubt there is a hetero man out there that would not view this as a massive assault, both on person and dignity. A minimal response would be to violently push his hand back with a loud so the whole room could hear ,”What the FUCK is wrong with you?” getting right in his face. Many would just deck him, although this would not be smart so he did good here. But doing nothing accept running away seemed out of place. Him staying put could have also holstered his case, others witnessing the assault could have provided names. A few times in my life when I witnessed either a crime or a traffic accident, I always give my name and number to the victim in case he wants to provide it for the cops. I just thought that odd. I could be wrong.

    He has so far rejected all settlements sums from Lemon’s attorney, saying he wants an apology from Lemon. Lemon would be smart to provide it.

  2. And he just stood there & let him shove his hand … the term lovin every minute of it comes to mind. Sounds like, looks like, must be gay too. He was supposed to pay me for that..I’ll show him.

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