Megyn Kelly interviews Michael Moore – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly interviews Michael Moore

DML: Fox News’ biggest star, Megyn Kelly, started the week by being completely rude to Newt Gingrich and Gov. Mike Pence (see videos).  The backlash against her has been incredible.  For example, the comments on her Facebook page are in the tens of thousands.  They all read differently, but the message is all the same — “Fox should dump Megyn Kelly.” (See some of the comments).

The following evening, Kelly was snarky when referring to the nasty exchange between herself and Gingrich.  She did not apologize, nor did she show any remorse, for telling the former Speaker of the House he had “anger issues.”  Then to top it off, her final guest was liberal pop star, Cheryl Crow (Crow voted for Obama twice). Megyn said Crow was voting for Hillary before cutting to commercial.   When the show returned from the break, Kelly corrected herself by saying Crow didn’t say she was voting for Hillary, but it was Megyn putting words in her mouth.

Earlier today is was reported that Megyn Kelly is now asking Fox News for $20 million per year to host the second-highest rated show on the network.  However, there has been times over the past several weeks when her show slipped to third.  Speculation is the Fox viewership has had enough of her anti-Trump behavior.  MORE

22 Comments on Megyn Kelly interviews Michael Moore

  1. Is FOX NEWS trying to subliminally turn its viewers into liberals??
    Personally, I’ve lost way too much respect for ANY news outlet…..I’m busy preparing for a revolution.

  2. 1. Lit. to give someone a cue; to indicate to someone that the time has come. Now, cue the orchestra director in. All right, cue in the announcer.
    2. Fig. to tell someone what is going on. (Almost the same as clue someone in (on something).) I want to know what’s going on. Cue me in. Cue in the general about the troop movement.

  3. I’m just looking forward to the debut of CRTV next month with Mark Levin, Mark Steyn ,Michelle Malkin and others giving commentary without commercial interference. (About $8 a month). FOX is fast going down hill.
    Compare Kelly’s treatment of Pence and Gingrich, to that of Michael More and you’ll get my meaning.

  4. Gads, judging by her outfit, she snarked Pence and Gringrich on the same show. Two for one. One more on that night and maybe she would have been out. ‘If wishes were horses’.

    I think they sucked her brains out at her last liposuction treatment.

    She has the same ‘warmth and winning charm’ of Jody Foster’s character in ELYSIUM. A cobra is less venomous. ‘TIME TO SAY GOODBYE’, Kelly. That should be her theme song.

  5. Meygoon Kelly’s ego has gone into hyper overdrive. She and she alone has destroyed her career. When with huge egos are way ahead of male TV anchors with egos and there are plenty of them Were you aware Peter Jennings demanded the studio room temperature had to be 47 degrees? That’s a cold, hard fact.

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