Megyn Kelly Party Pooper – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Party Pooper

Megyn apologizes for Halloween costume remarks.

18 Comments on Megyn Kelly Party Pooper

  1. That Howard Stern piece was pretty funny.

    Also notice that, while in black face, these actors purposely used the wrong words or pronunciation of words.

    I guess the makeup wasn’t convincing enough. HAHA!

  2. With that syrupy performance she’ll be chastised for appropriating Oprah Winfrey’s sickening technique for inducing emotions from bored housewives.
    “She done stole a black woman’s gig”

  3. is it ok for a member of the human race to dress up as another member of the human race ?

    and if you cannot dress up as member of another race how come all these democrats go around dressed as humans ?

  4. I wonder if anyone has the copyright on NPC masks? I can see it now, just punch them out, like the old children’s Batman or Superman mask with a thin piece of elastic to hold it on.

    It would have been the perfect Halloween costume this year.

    I wonder if the meme will still be relevant next year? That gives some budding entrepreneur plenty of time to design and order up 4 or 5 million from Alibaba.

  5. So then. Does she also now think men should never think they’re a woman, and women ought to stop believing they’re really a man? And the whole transvestite thing should just go away too?

  6. For a while she was the darling of Fox, but then she got full of herself and became far more important in her mind that she could ever be. That was the beginning of the end.

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