Megyn Kelly Regrets COVID-19 Shot – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Regrets COVID-19 Shot

“And then for the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical. And I went to the best Rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the d*** booster and then got COVID within three weeks?” MORE

11 Comments on Megyn Kelly Regrets COVID-19 Shot

  1. only the vaxed are still getting sick
    seriously tho, how could megyn not be suspicious of the whole c19 rollout?
    i’m a nobody but when i started getting inundated all day/every day with emails for n95 masks i knew a shit show was about to start & i wasn’t going to participate
    even my big sister told me she got vaxed & boosted because “we can’t live like hermits”, i said watch me

  2. More evidence for: take booster, get COVID, get screwed.

    Well, Megyn, your sister is now dead. So, you might want to get your affairs in order and write your memoirs now rather then later. Maybe you could write a piece about being “culled from the herd” by being stupid. Have your agent publish it on your demise.

    (Why, for pete’s sakes would anyone get the vax AFTER getting covid?)

  3. As soon as I found out they were not vaccinating people streaming in over the border, I knew something was wrong and up. The sheep don’t want to believe it, and you can’t stop them from closing their eyes and minds, if they have either.

  4. It all makes sense when you her remember Howard Stern’s interview with her…..The discussion turned to TaTa’s and she said…..I have B cups and they’re spectacular……

  5. She got the jab to keep her cushy job. No other reason to get one. She’s grateful her children didn’t get jabbed. Kinda selfish to jeopardize your life so you can pay the bills and take vacations isn’t it? Surprised that she didn’t take a look at people like Celine Dion and her stiff man disease brought on by the jab. No do overs…..

  6. ” Kinda selfish to jeopardize your life so you can pay the bills”

    That’s gotta be the dumbest God Damn thing I’ve ever read.
    I work my ass off to support my family. How selfish of me. WTF?

  7. We have our own business and one contract we had they sent out e-mails that all who had contracts with them would wear masks, my husband told them to kiss his ass and that there was nothing in his contract and him or his employees would not be wearing masks. That they were welcome to cancel their contract. They never did and never even replied back. Then came the jabs, same thing, this time they replied back that they would cancel the contract, he told them to do so, because him or his employees would not be getting the shot.
    They didn’t cancel, but let it run out and didn’t renew it. Then they came crawling back when they couldn’t get anyone to do all we did. He told them he was no longer interested in a contract with them. We get phone calls and e-mails on a daily basis from them and last I heard they were about to go under.
    People have asked him since it was a pretty big contract how he could just walk away from it and he says because for one his grandkids are way more important than any amount of money, two nobody demands he do anything that he never agreed to do, and for three they deserve to suffer and four he can’t stand sheep that went along with lockdowns, mask mandates and lined up for jabs, because if not for them nobody would have lost their business, nobody would have felt pressured to get the jab because without them complying schools, hospitals, employers, etc. would have had zero leverage.


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