Megyn Kelly says she’s leaving NYC, yanks kids from school after letter claiming future white ‘killer cop’ resides within – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly says she’s leaving NYC, yanks kids from school after letter claiming future white ‘killer cop’ resides within

BPR: Independent journalist Megyn Kelly has announced that she pulled her two young boys out of their “woke” Upper West Side private school in New York City after officials circulated a letter blasting whites.

The former Fox News and NBC News host said the offensive letter was distributed among the school’s “diversity group” which included Kelly, her husband, and other white parents, after the police-linked death of George Floyd in May.

In part, the letter accused white people of “reveling in state-sanctioned depravity” and said some white children were set to become “killer cops” someday.

Kelly, who recently founded Devil May Care Media, read parts of the letter during a recent podcast of “The Megan Kelly Show,” in which she said the school’s left-wing ideology did not appeal to her but that she “didn’t really care” before. more

21 Comments on Megyn Kelly says she’s leaving NYC, yanks kids from school after letter claiming future white ‘killer cop’ resides within

  1. She’s never been a very clear thinker. She had that snappy, attack persona going on FOX for awhile which got her a lot attention.

    Her ego’s in real good shape, though.

    “Devil May Care Media?”

    Why should I care?

  2. She should transfer the kids first, sue for unexpected costs, then formally acknowledge that Trump was right all along and formally kiss his ass on whatever show/media she is on.

  3. Like most in her field, she is not really a journalist. She WAS an attractive poptart that read whatever was put in front of her with perfect lighting and her legs showing.

    My sister-in-law was very feminist until she had 2 boys and suddenly, “Todays schools don’t know haw to address MY boys needs.”

  4. Could care less. She tried to derail President Trump in his first Republican Candidates Debate, and I thought she was worthless from that day forward. Overpaid and underwhelming. Fleeing New York City for Hollywood? She can get close to Prince Harrrry and that other MeAgain out there. They deserve one another.

  5. Kcir (2 Faced Trudeau)
    NOVEMBER 19, 2020 AT 4:35 PM

    “My sister-in-law was very feminist until she had 2 boys and suddenly, “Todays schools don’t know haw to address MY boys needs.””

    …we have a senator in OH who had a less appealing version of that. He pretended to be Repub and was all against gay marriage…then his son came out, and now nothing can be fag friendly enough for former Mr conservative.

    …again, it stops being funny when it starts being you, but a w way street…

  6. Well lookie there, the left is eating their own. Democrats never understood that only the chosen get to be at the top and the rest of them are discarded. Those on the left were always slow learners.


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