Megyn Kelly’s Full Interview With Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly’s Full Interview With Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade

Megyn Kelly’s exclusive sit down with Tara Reade

5 Comments on Megyn Kelly’s Full Interview With Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade

  1. Dementia Joe’s supporters have tried to portray Tara Reade as a complete nutter based solely on her current looks. She doesn’t come off that way in this interview. She’s not going away, and the way Tara Reade is being treated by the Dementiacrats, there may be another one of Obiden Bama’s unfortunate conquests who comes forward out of his past and become another woman that Poor Joey can’t remember assaulting or even meeting. I believe Tara Reade, even if she’s lying.

  2. She is Bernie’s dagger.
    Bernie has lost his shot, he’s too old. All he can do is drag down Biden and rub another four years of Donald Trump into the DNC’s face.
    Judging accusations apples to apples, this accusations stands on firmer ground than any of the Kavanaugh ones.
    I give Joe the presumption. And I know and don’t care that the media will play this as a ‘closed issue’.
    Let the Lady make her case
    The enemy of my enemy is my friend

  3. i don’t mean to be a downer but this case isn’t going any where.

    the leftists in this country are not ever going to admit or realize just how hypocritical they are.

    they have no morals or standards. we give them too much credit in believing they do.

    even before bj clinton entered office and enjoyed tuna cigars and lewinski’s under the resolute desk, with the election of papa bush, the ex cia head, the American people have been sold down the road by the msm, democrat and republican party.

    we have been enslaved, our wealth and freedoms confiscated.

    we have carped and showed a little defiance but not enough to reverse our course.

    DJT is a great president but he is only one man.
    if we ever want to reverse the course of this once great country we all need to take to the streets and support him and rout the evil America haters from this country, forcefully.

    adam shit for brains should be one of the most reviled men in this country and should be scared to show his lying face in public, but he isn’t.
    because we don’t as a group have the balls to make it so.
    we don’t get in their faces when they are out in public and chastise them as they do to us and those who are on our side.

    until we meet them square in battle we will never win.

    they will never give up their power until forced to do so.

    and we are not willing to force them to.

  4. Q: “How would Washington treat traitors if he caught them?”
    A: “Hang ’em to the first tree!” was his reply.

    — 1864 interview with Samuel Downing, veteran of American Revolutionary War


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