Megyn Kelly’s show axed ahead of schedule – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly’s show axed ahead of schedule

Milo: The initial run of Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly will reportedly be pulled off the air two episodes earlier than expected due to continuously cataclysmic ratings.

According to Breitbart, last week’s airing of Kelly’s newsmagazine show on NBC saw her hitting a new all time low of just 2.71 million viewers, cementing her status as less popular that years-old reruns of ‘Dateline.’

NBC has reportedly decided to quit while it’s ahead, cutting Kelly’s show – which was first announced as a limited run intended to consist of 10 episodes – at just eight episodes.

“An NBC spinmeister claimed Kelly’s show was going off the air after this week’s show because she needs to be ‘freed up to focus’ on her morning show,” Breitbart’s Tony Lee writes.

“Translation: Kelly needs to do all she can to not ruin NBC’s crown jewel ‘Today’ franchise. Network executives, who reportedly have been freaking out about Kelly’s poor ratings, are probably praying that Kelly simply does no more harm than she has already done in her short time at the network.”

Megyn Kelly herself is adding to the spinmaster chorus on Twitter – and she’s getting roasted for it.  more here

27 Comments on Megyn Kelly’s show axed ahead of schedule

  1. Her agents got her what, $20 Million, guaranteed?

    The joke’s on NBC. Kelly’s so rich now I’m sure she doesn’t care.

    Like Kaepernick. The little punk’s already been made a multi-millionaire. He’s set for life. He could probably care less if he ever plays again.

  2. Hey girrrl, go back to Howard Stern and talk about your “Killer B’s”. You’ve got Gas-X and Reverse Mortgage commercials in your future. Sell baby sell. 🙂

  3. The left only cheered her on when she was a pretend conservative bashing Trump. Now that she’s out of the closet, meh, not so much. Now everyone sees her as the boring opportunist that she is.

  4. MeAgain never recovered from her assault on Trump during the first Republican candidates debate. It was the highest/lowest point of her career, and she crashed and burned on Fox, where her audience never forgave her. She still doesn’t get it. NBC thought her anti-Trump rants would make her a sure thing. It’s been fun reading about this disaster, but I’m not ever watching a minute of anything she is part of on the idiot box.

  5. I called it!

    99th Squad Leader
    JUNE 18, 2017 AT 8:24 PM
    “Mz. Kelly’s been flying to close to the sun with those wax wings of hubris. NBC may replace her show with sports by next month.”

    LIKE –>9+

    Good news for now. The left is a twisted lot. She’ll get low rating at this new Today gig and occasionally show up like a bad penny on the View or the Talk as a guest host. Megyn Kelly will be a has been soon, with a bargin basement autobiography in tow. Love it.

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