Megyn Kelly’s Show Is Ending? – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly’s Show Is Ending?

Daily Caller: Megyn Kelly’s show on NBC will be coming to an end, but it remains unclear whether the conversations predated her recent blackface comments.

”Where do you think Megyn Kelly would be happier, as part of big breaking news or forced to cover light-hearted stories that traditionally work at 9 a.m.?” a person close to Kelly told Variety.

It’s also unclear when exactly her show will end.


16 Comments on Megyn Kelly’s Show Is Ending?

  1. Me Again never recovered from her nasty assault on Donald J.Trump during that first Fox News Republican candidates debate. She’s been on the Hindenburg ever since. It’s been fun reading about her embarrassing the National Bullshit Company, and wondering how that can be possible.

  2. She’s never been able to overcome that fatal mistake at the presidential debate tho try as she might. She’s looked upon as a groundless, money grubbing, painted strumpet.

  3. Such disapproval from the High Priests of Culture, such disparagement from the Black Community for this sinful outbreak.
    For 8 years Barry Obama colored his skin darker to curry favor with the Black community, and the Press helped by colorizing his skin darker in pictures.
    And don’t get me started about how they photo shopped ass reduction for Big Mike.
    Hypocrites all, with black hearts.

  4. @TRF, NBC misjudged terribly. They didn’t realize that she had alienated conservatives and Fox News viewers so badly.
    I think they were counting on taking Fox viewers away and making inroads into killing Fox’s ratings.
    Liberals misjudge things a lot.
    Like the fake bomb scare. Most people seem to think they were fake and aren’t calling for the head of President Trump like the libidiots thought would happen.
    Like Roseanne’s show.
    Like Last Man Standing.
    Like Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings causing outrage and the withdrawal of his name.


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