‘Melania Makeover’: Texas Woman Plans Eight Plastic Surgeries To Look Like First Lady – IOTW Report

‘Melania Makeover’: Texas Woman Plans Eight Plastic Surgeries To Look Like First Lady


Breitbart: A Texas woman plans to undergo a total of eight plastic surgeries in order to more closely resemble former model and current First Lady of the United States Melania Trump.

Claudia Sierra plans to receive an eyelid lift, a breast reconstruction, rhinoplasty (also known as a nose-job), liposuction, a tummy tuck, a Brazilian butt lift, Botox and fillers and injectable treatments, the woman’s plastic surgeon, Dr. Franklin Rose, said in a statement to the Houston Chronicle this week.

Rose said he’s had a slew of women requesting work in order to look more like President Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, but added that recently, there have been an increasing number of requests by women who want to adopt the First Lady’s Eastern European features.  more here

19 Comments on ‘Melania Makeover’: Texas Woman Plans Eight Plastic Surgeries To Look Like First Lady

  1. I few weeks ago after I did a post about fashion designers now coming hat in hand to clothe Melania, my Mom said to me, “I don’t know what she looks like.”

    I showed her Melania’s White House portrait. And my Mom said, “Oh! She’s beautiful!!”

    Made me smile.

  2. I think the appointment she actually needs is one to a shrink. There’s obviously some ego and self issues at play here and before she goes under a knife eight times (at least) she ought to be checked for a full deck.

  3. WTF is wrong with people?
    Mrs. Pres. Trump is a pretty lady, but Ms. Sierra (obviously) has some mental issues.
    Unless she presently resembles Rosie O’Donuts …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’ve been to Slovenia twice. Slovenes have light complexions and many have blonde hair. You can’t tell them from the Swiss and Austrians. That said, I didn’t see any Slovenian women that were as beautiful as Melania.

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