Melania Trump Opens WH Movie Theater To Visitors For First Time In History – IOTW Report

Melania Trump Opens WH Movie Theater To Visitors For First Time In History

Daily Caller:

“The White House belongs to the people of this country,” the first lady said in a White House press release. “I believe everyone who takes the time to visit and tour the White House should have as much access to its rich history and wonderful traditions as possible. It is my hope that our visitors truly enjoy the newest piece of the tour.”

A photo of the red lined movie house was also shared on the first lady’s Instagram account earlier in the day. The caption next to the post read, “Self-guided tours in the East Wing now include the @WhiteHouse movie theater! This house belongs to the people & everyone deserves to enjoy its history!”


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14 Comments on Melania Trump Opens WH Movie Theater To Visitors For First Time In History

  1. Makes Me think of the Donger’s promise to be the most transparent Administration in history….then promptly shut off all Whitehouse tours.

    Well done First Lady…well done !

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