Melbourne: Australians protesting mandates [Video] – IOTW Report

Melbourne: Australians protesting mandates [Video]


The protest signs are brutal, especially against Bill Gates.
Because Bill Gates does shit like this, that’s why.

5 Comments on Melbourne: Australians protesting mandates [Video]

  1. I am waiting for the land of “there is no need for guns in a free society” to open fire on those who dare to protest the government’s edicts.

    Oh, and the same to Bill Gates as to Joe Biden.

  2. Cisco Kid,
    Actually, we are. The guns have just delayed the implementation of the Gulag/KZ system.
    We have a multi-tiered judiciary where some are more equal than others, politicians enrich themselves at the expense of the proletariat, prices are skyrocketing, shortages, meaningless elections, a propagandistic press (entire media, in fact), a politically compliant academia, industry making more money off political connections than innovation, no more freedom of speech or expression – in short, all the earmarks of nihilistic totalitarianism posing as socialism.

    izlamo delenda est …


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