Mellissa Carone: “They’re Scared of Me and They Should Be” – IOTW Report

Mellissa Carone: “They’re Scared of Me and They Should Be”

Gateway Pundit:

Mellissa Carone is the courageous Dominion whistleblower who came forward to allege major systemic voting fraud at the TCF Center in Detroit on election night 2020. This week, the CEO of Dominion Voting Services, John Poulos, testified before the Michigan Senate. 

Poulos was papering over the dozens of witness statements that allege there was an active conspiracy to fraud the vote from President Donald Trump on election night. Poulos, by most mainstream media accounts, delivered an impressive job generally answering the questions from Michigan’s state Senators.


There were no steel ballot boxes underneath the tabulating machines at the TCF Center catching ballots as they were counted, as Poulos has claimed.

Ties to Smartmatic software – Carone says internal documents from Dominion reference its software pedigree as descending from Smartmatic, which was designed to help fraud the Venezuelan elections in 2004, even though Poulos has tried to say this is nothing but a ‘disinformation’ campaign.

Dominion is a far-left company, whose employees and owners were making ‘countless’ anti-Trump and anti-Republican statements on election night, as the votes were being tabulated. Even though Poulos claims they are non-partisan, Carone says they were left-wing extremists.

Poulos told the Senate that paper ballots back up all the digital records, but that ignores what Carone and others, including Shane Trejo, Jose Aliaga, and others saw: a 4am Biden Ballot Dump of illegal ballots, eight hours after the deadline. Due to Michigan election law, a ballot box that is missing ballots cannot be recounted, and 71% of Detroit’s absentee ballot boxes are missing ballots. 

“He only proposed a recount in order to get the heat off of him.” read more

15 Comments on Mellissa Carone: “They’re Scared of Me and They Should Be”

  1. I remember how the smart set—left and right—was laughing at her hair and the way she talked a couple of weeks ago. Mainly because they had to avoid what she was actually saying. Let’s see how they try to belittle her this time, now that she’s wiped the smiles off their faces.

    And Brad, I don’t think we’re there yet, but definitely in Joe the Plumber territory.

  2. Brad,

    Well, then. I guess maybe we are there. And elsewhere somebody pointed out that the GBI does not routinely investigate car accidents. Unless maybe there are unusual things about the accident? Hmm…

    Anyway, all I’m seeing locally is that O’Sullivan “passed away at home, no other official info on specifics about manner of death, only tweets from the GBI that speculation is “reckless and irresponsible”.

    And that hysterical crook Gabriel Sterling, who is neck deep in the election fraud here, is screaming at people to shut up about all the killings. I don’t expect the local leftist radio news WSB to mention it at all, except maybe Erick Erickson to tell us there’s nothing to see here, move along.


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