Members Of Congress Distance Themselves From Epstein Nonprofit After National File Revealed China Ties – IOTW Report

Members Of Congress Distance Themselves From Epstein Nonprofit After National File Revealed China Ties

National File: Members of Congress are now distancing themselves from Mark Epstein’s Humpty Dumpty Institute after National File uncovered the organization’s alarming ties to the Chinese Communist Party, People’s Liberation Army, and globalist elites in early November.

On November 12, National File published an exclusive report pertaining to the Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI), a mysterious nonprofit once run by Jeffrey Epstein’s brother that has alarming ties to the United Nations (UN), US State Department (DOS), multiple members of Congress, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), People’s Liberation Army (PLA), and global elite.

Among several Congressional Democrats, including Reps. Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Al Green, Bennie Thompson, Jim Himes, Frederica Wilson, and Hank Johnson, former House Freedom Caucus Leader and former Chief of Staff for President Donald Trump Mark Meadows was listed as a member of the organization’s Congressional Advisory Board (CAB) for several years, but has since distanced himself from the organization during a contentious interview with radio host Stew Peters. more

8 Comments on Members Of Congress Distance Themselves From Epstein Nonprofit After National File Revealed China Ties

  1. In a society that had a shred of decency left collectively, this would be a problem. In today’s America… not so much. The big problem is that a critical mass envies them and lives their pathetic lives vicariously through them. Nothing will happen.

  2. Progressivism is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. Not a damn follower of the progressive movement is motivated by any sincerity, they all dream of having the power they feel they deserve and have been unjustly denied.

    They are undeserving of anything except utter contempt. They are incapable of sincerity, compassion or empathy on any level. To lose sight of these stone cold natural facts is to set yourself for suffering their wicked and evil designs.

  3. It is not an anomaly, it is a feature of progs. It is how they serve their Dark Prince. And, it is also a feature of progressivism, they want to be caught.

    Repost by Request: On Why Diabolical Narcissists in the Deep State WANT To Get Caught, Consciously WANT You to See Their Egregious Vote Fraud and Covidic Crimes Against Humanity

  4. Excerpt from the link above:

    This is why satan and the demons are, in fact, legalists. They do not “love the law” in the good and healthy sense that we see and hear so often in scripture, and contemplate in the Fourth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary- the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple, but in the sense that it is the law – and their shamelessly hypocritical flouting and breaking of it – that defines and “elevates” them above not only mankind, but also above the non-fallen angels, in their sick, warped, loveless rational intellects. And remember, DNs are the human analogues to demons.

    But wait. It gets worse.

    When DNs are confident that they have enough power, be it over a small group of people (family members, co-workers, social circle, cult), or on a macro scale, such as in a government, large corporation, or The Church, they will become progressively more bold and VISIBLE in their crimes in order to generate ever-higher amounts of diabolical narcissistic satisfaction.

    Now here is where it gets interesting. For DNs, the commission of their crimes and malefactions themselves are NOT the most potent source of diabolical satisfaction. No – the real rush, the “high” that they crave more than anything is THE GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Specifically, DNs luxuriate in watching other people, whether it be out of fear or sycophancy, pretend to not see, or better yet lie to cover, or even better yet, positively defend and justify, their crimes.

    Having planned and fantasized about his malevolent actions, the DN will watch and study those around him in the aftermath. Every instance of “looking the other way” the DN sees gives him an even more intense rush, because to look away from his crimes is to capitulate and submit to him – an even more complete capitulation than the actual victim. Every lie that a sycophant tells to cover for the DN is a rush. Every groveling justification made on the DNs behalf for the DNs unjustifiable, or even criminal behavior, is like the rush of a drug – and far more psycho-spiritually potent than the initial act itself.

  5. Notice how they snuck in Donald Trump’s name after all those Dems? Trump had no connection whatsoever, but his chief of staff, Mark Meadows did, so Trump is guilty. So sick of this shit.

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