Members of several oppressive regimes elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council – IOTW Report

Members of several oppressive regimes elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council

Just The News –

Representatives from Russia, China, Pakistan, and Cuba were voted into the body on Tuesday.

The United Nations has appointed representatives from several nations accused of repeated human rights violations to the organization’s Human Rights Council.

U.N. General Assembly President Volkan Bozkir extended an invitation to China, Cuba, Russia and Pakistan to serve on the committee, following a vote on Tuesday afternoon. 

15 Comments on Members of several oppressive regimes elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council

  1. At least stop allowing the United Nations to decide who they want to dump in our country to help destroy it from within. You know, all those Islamic fanatics from Somalia and Lebanon.

  2. Wrecking ball coming in 3..2..1.

    Run for it commie islamists.

    If Trump can erect an American embassy in Jerusalem in a few weeks he can certainly destroy a phony ‘world body’ in a few hours.

    We are done with the leftists failed experiments by the likes of racists like Woodrow Wilson and FDR.

    Start running.

  3. putting Russia, China, Pakistan, and Cuba on a Human Rights Commission is like putting Pedo Joe & The Mattress in charge of running the US federal government

    oh …. wait

  4. This is about 2 hours old:
    Kick the UN out of the US…
    Give them 5 minutes to evacuate the building,
    Demolish the whole building,
    Build something useful on the site,
    Like a Trump hotel.

  5. How much more evidence needs to be revealed proving that the UN functions just about the complete opposite way from what its purpose is supposed to be. Before there is a total cut off of funding, and they are told to find a new country for their HQ? Give them no more than two weeks to clear out and leave the USA.


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