Memory-holed – IOTW Report


Patriot Retort: I mentioned yesterday that Pocahasbeen is going back on her pledge to disavow SuperPACs set up in her name.  Like most of Elizabeth Warren’s staunchly-held beliefs, this one is getting memory-holed.

I don’t know how easy it will be for her to pretend she never made this pledge.  It’s all over her Twitter feed. more

4 Comments on Memory-holed

  1. A millionaire marxist, an asshole from MN, a gay goofball from IN, an ex VP who can’t get Obama to remember who he is, and a billionaire spending millions who has Barry kissing his ass.

    That’s her competition, but she needs a SuperPAC?

  2. I’m figuring Liz rolls up the teepee and her trail of tears comes to an end after South Cackylacky. Aside from Liz the only one crushed by this will be Cadbury egg-head Ayanna who misses out on her cabinet post of Secretary of Constipated Faces. What a farsical sh*t-show.


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