Menendez brothers’ attorneys say new evidence could overturn life sentences – IOTW Report

Menendez brothers’ attorneys say new evidence could overturn life sentences

Court TV: Attorneys for the Menendez brothers want their clients’ convictions and life sentences overturned based on new evidence, according to recent court documents obtained by Court TV from their attorneys.

Ex-Menudo member Roy Rossello also provides details of the alleged sexual abuse he suffered from Jose Menendez in the 1980s. In the motion, Rossello claims he was drugged and raped at the Menendez family’s New Jersey home and on two other occasions during his time with the band. MORE. h/t JP

11 Comments on Menendez brothers’ attorneys say new evidence could overturn life sentences

  1. So if I read that correctly, the lawyers contend that the premeditated murder of an abuser is justifiable homicide? Not to say that I necessarily disagree, but is that really where the legal system wants to go? Does that apply to the killing of boys calling themselves girls and raping girls in the girls washroom (I know, it doesn’t — that would be a transphobic hate crime). Normally this would be taken care of by jury nullification. In this case the judge did not allow the subject to be brought up. Could it be because there was no corroborating evidence to support the claim?

    And why does this come out 27 years after the RETRIAL? Did that boy-band refugee just hear about the case? Or did it take this long to raise the money to pay him to remember it or, giving him the benefit of the doubt, overcome his shame and decide to come forward?

  2. Trying to make the case that a member of a boy band was not a ready and willing participant in homosexuality? That’s a pretty heavy lift if you ask me.

  3. If they were being abused why didn’t they just leave,they were grown men? Why did the live their best life with all that money until they got caught?

  4. I was a desk-mate with Kyle Menendez in 4th grade(we had fronting desks) with Kyle Menendez in fourth grade, he attended zero birthday parties. His parents were the worst.

  5. I can remember that tennis was a BIG part of his life. But he could never see or do extracurricular activities with his classmates. But we as classmates often had birthday parties and outside the class activities that he never participated in.


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