Menendez Spread Dirty Cash To Other Dems – IOTW Report

Menendez Spread Dirty Cash To Other Dems

Breitbart: Sen. Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ) dirty political donations have contaminated the entire Democrat party, and possibly its hopes of retaining control of the Senate, following bribery charges for allegedly sharing information with Egypt in exchange for cash and gold bars.

Menendez, whom authorities indicted on three counts of conspiracy, was the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee before stepping down after Friday’s indictment. The chair of the Foreign Relations Committee is a powerful position that commands political clout and the ability to raise and distribute coveted campaign donations throughout the Democrat caucus. From 2017 through 2022, Menendez’s campaign committee raised over $16.5 million and saved nearly $6 million as cash on hand, according to OpenSecrets based on FEC filings.

In the 2022 midterm cycle, Menendez’s campaign committee and leadership PAC expenditures totaled about $1.5 million. He spent about 16 percent of the money ($229,900) on contributions, OpenSecrets reported. Much of that money Menendez gave to Democrat Senate allies, some of whom plan to return it in one-hundred-dollar bills — a denomination Menendez allegedly stashed in his home totaling $500,000.

“We are in process of returning the money in envelopes stuffed with $100 bills,” Joe Calvello, a spokesperson for Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), told the Messenger. Menendez gave Fetterman $5,000 towards his Senate campaign.

Fetterman is just one Democrat Senator who received political donations from Menendez’s PAC. Below are nine of the top Democrats who received money from Menendez’s campaign committee in the 2022 cycle, OpenSecrets reported: more

6 Comments on Menendez Spread Dirty Cash To Other Dems

  1. “Sen. Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ) dirty political donations have contaminated the entire Democrat party …”

    That’s akin to saying: “spitting into the sink contaminates the Septic Tank.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Why do you continue to call these politicians “Democrats” when they’re all Socialist-Progressives” controlled by the Soros machine which is dedicated to the political, moral, and financial destruction of the United States of America.

  3. Moe dirty politicians, you voat em in, you continue to support em. He says he’ll step down as soon as George ‘Loser’ Santis & Mr Kicked outta New York does. Looks like the gloves have come off. Big story is T’s New York Tower, Seven Springs Estate, & numerous expensive properties held under the guise of an LLC, will no longer have a tax shelter status & be desolved by court appointment to make sure they his businesses ventures in the state of New York are NO MORE.


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