Mental Screamtardation – IOTW Report

Mental Screamtardation


Anti-Trump weirdos are planning a mass temper tantrum on the anniversary of the election. This is going to be absolutely hilarious.

21 Comments on Mental Screamtardation

  1. This takes the cake for demonstration of un-self awareness. The idiotic antics of the past almost-year has not changed anything, do they think this will make us feel for them? Well, I mean apart from the pity we feel at their need for professional mental health screening. (And I say this seriously.)

  2. Makes me want to carry around a baggie of dried dog turds. If I happen to be walking by some progtard screaming their brains out, I can just do a 360 slam dunk of Fido feces right down their pie hole. It’ll probably only improve their breath anyway.

  3. When they all appear shrieking and disoriented en masse, this will be a huge opportunity for us to round up The Problem and feed them into wood chippers.

    Yes, harsh. But…

    You know it’s the only real solution.

  4. Did DOD put obama’s drone program on ice? Because now would be an excellent opportunity to engage whilst they’re corralled in various cities.

    Actually, when I’m suffering from insomnia I insert AirPods, flip to YouTube and howl with laughter. Of course hubs has to move to the guest BR, but he loves to see me entertained.

  5. As daddy used to say to me when I was simpering as a child, “how would you like something to cry about?”

    If this gets any coverage at all in media it’s because they wish to promote a failed agenda.

    Bring it crybabies. Bang your spoons on your high chairs in full rage.

  6. “It wont work. The revolution happens on 11-04.”

    Looks like they’re going to try it. FB posts report them moving into large cities. Some interesting verbal altercations with these zombies. They seem committed.

  7. retard demonstrations like this need to be seriously mocked as the retards they are … we need to get organized & start making donations to organizations that will deliver mass quantities of Pampers, pacifiers, baby bibs, etc. to these events
    … just drive dump truck-loads up to them & dump ’em out …. drive off
    ’nuff said

    mockery is the best weapon against such retardary

  8. Best sales pitch ever on why to leave the Dems. Drives the sane people away.

    Moar please.

    I plan on having my video recording glasses charged up with empty micro SD cards at the ready. I have never regretted getting a few pair for my inspections – they leave my hands free and record in HD. People won’t even know I’m recording.

    Alas, I don’t hang out where the crazies go, so I’m not likely to get a chance to use them. But, I’ll be ready as usual.

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