Mentally unfit? People in padded rooms shouldn’t throw stones – IOTW Report

Mentally unfit? People in padded rooms shouldn’t throw stones

Patriot Retort: Having completely failed at ousting President Trump over the “nothing burger” Russian collusion and “obstruction of justice” story, the Democrats are trying something new.

Declare President Trump mentally unfit for office and have him removed via the 25th Amendment.

Mentally unfit?

Are they joking?


Among those who question the President’s mental fitness are Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi and some guy with mad scientist hair named Congressman Jamie Raskin of Maryland.

Listen you guys. Far be it from me to mock the mentally unfit, but people in padded rooms shouldn’t throw stones.

Compared to Nancy and Maxine, Donald Trump is the sanest man in the universe.  MORE

11 Comments on Mentally unfit? People in padded rooms shouldn’t throw stones

  1. From the bottom of my heart I can’t understand how any rational person can associate themselves with the likes of these criminally insane, dishonest, mentally ill people that “lead” the democratic party.

  2. Listening to the Minority Party spout their opinion on “impeachment” or “mentally unfit” is getting hilarious. As the out-of-power Party all the Dems are doing is spouting their Opinion; it might please their more radical base but beyond that it’s just pissin in the wind.

  3. Well said Dianny.

    “Trump Is Running As A PR Stunt” failed.
    “Trump Is Unelectable” failed.
    “Trump Is KKK And She’s Got 98%” failed.
    “Trump Will Be Stopped By Rogue Electors@ failed.
    “Trump Will Be Reined In By Priebus And The RNC” failed.
    “Trump Is Mean” failed.
    “Trump Is LITERALLY HITLER!!!!”
    “Trump Will Resign Because RESISTANCE!!!” failed.

    “Trump Is Clinically Insane”? No one now is even listening.

    Arrest the 2016 Coup Plotters, Mr. President.
    Dismiss Mueller and appoint a true Special Counsel to indict Clinton, Holder, Lynch etc.
    That will lead to Obama and ultimately Soros.
    Lock. Them. Up.

    MAGA. With a vengeance.

  4. When are the Democrats going to stop their moaning, and get to work and do their jobs?

    Remember when Obama said, “I won”?

    That pleased you Dems to no end.

    This time Trump won.

    So grow up, get over it, and get back to your desks.

  5. They are going for the 25th Amendment.

    Interesting movie on HBO, right now, regarding the 25th Ammendment method of overthrowing the legal government. It’s called ENEMY WITHIN.

    It’s kind of frightening how easily it can be done.

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