Meow! Clinton Staffers Mocked ‘His Royal Majesty King Bernie Sanders’ For Private Jet Use During 2016 Campaign – IOTW Report

Meow! Clinton Staffers Mocked ‘His Royal Majesty King Bernie Sanders’ For Private Jet Use During 2016 Campaign

DC: Former Hillary Clinton staffers mocked Sen. Bernie Sanders throughout the 2016 election for his penchant for flying private when he could have flown commercial, Politico reported Monday.

After Sanders lost the 2016 Democratic primary to Clinton, he agreed to campaign for the Democratic nominee against President Donald Trump. Sanders often requested that the Clinton campaign charter private jets to get him to rallies, costing about $100,000 in total in the last two months of the campaign.

“I’m not shocked that while thousands of volunteers braved the heat and cold to knock on doors until their fingers bled in a desperate effort to stop Donald Trump, his Royal Majesty King Bernie Sanders would only deign to leave his plush D.C. office or his brand new second home on the lake if he was flown around on a cushy private jet like a billionaire master of the universe,” former Clinton campaign rapid response director Zac Petkanas told Politico.

Sanders continued flying private in the two years following Clinton’s loss to Trump, spending $342,000 on private jet travel.

“We would try to fight it as much as possible because of cost and availability of planes, but they would request [a jet] every time,” one Clinton aide told Politico. “We would always try to push for commercial. … At the campaign, you’re constantly trying to save like 25 cents.” more



7 Comments on Meow! Clinton Staffers Mocked ‘His Royal Majesty King Bernie Sanders’ For Private Jet Use During 2016 Campaign

  1. So who’s the fool – the self-proclaimed socialist who demands to be treated like a king or the corrupt Presidential candidate who caters to him? Laugh at Bernie all you want; at least he’s living large on the contributions of Democrats.

  2. And yet the Clinton scrum, still bought the old Mad Hatter a brand new home for losing to her Royal Hind-End according to the terms of their pre-campaign agreement!!

  3. “As if Hillary floated everywhere under her own power.”

    …there’s a “fart” joke in there somewhere @MJA, but it’s beneath the dignity of this thread to flesh it out, so sorry I brought it up…;)

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