Mercedes Won’t Go All-Electric by 2030 as It Once Promised – IOTW Report

Mercedes Won’t Go All-Electric by 2030 as It Once Promised

The Germany luxury marque is pushing back its plans to go all-electric by 2030, according to Reuters. The company also wants everyone (but, specifically, investors) to know that it will continue to build vehicles with combustion engines well into the next decade. more

8 Comments on Mercedes Won’t Go All-Electric by 2030 as It Once Promised

  1. Why waste money developing another EV? MB was wise to sit this one out, see if the idea catches on and money can be made. If the EV concept doesn’t pencil out MB saved a lot of money. In our Pacific northwest development, there are 6-7 EVs in the spring and fall. Summer and winter we see 2-3 maybe?

  2. Rolls Royce is committed to all EV by 2030. Their earth raping 6300+ pound EV cars (not trucks for that weight) are ridiculous. They also cost half a million bucks, but who cares when you’re that rich I suppose.

    The one thing that’s going to stop their self inflicted mandate of all EV is when sales go in the shitter because chauffeurs need to stop for a charge. Time is money baby, an hour at a charger is enough to keep my poor ass away from any EV. What happens when a billionaire has to twiddle his thumbs for an hour (or more)?

  3. Pretty funny. And when the last windmill falls over, and they shut down the last nuke power plant; the whole thing will be powered by coal! Solar does not work too well in cloudy cold Germany.

  4. ecp SATURDAY, 24 FEBRUARY 2024, 12:59 AT 12:59 PM

    “What happens when a billionaire has to twiddle his thumbs for an hour (or more)?”

    No worries, they’ll just call out for a “pizza”!

  5. I remember watching the documentary “Who killed the electric car.” About Gm building the EV-1. Why don’t they bring that back for the people who want it,and stop the rest of the nonsense.

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