Merck Anti-COVID Pill Will Not Be Added To India’s National Treatment Protocol – IOTW Report

Merck Anti-COVID Pill Will Not Be Added To India’s National Treatment Protocol

National File: “It can cause teratogenicity, mutagenicity and it also can cause cartilage damage and be damaging to muscles,” Bhargava said, according to Reuters.

“More importantly, contraception will have to be used for three months if this drug is given because the child born could be problematic with teratogenic influences.”

“The [World Health Organization] WHO has not included it, the UK has not included it as of now,” he noted.

“As of now, the current recommendation stands that it is not part of the national task force treatment.”

Bhargava added that the Drugs Controller General of India approved molnupiravir for emergency use in December.

Reuters reported that drugs in the same class as molnupiravir have been associated with birth defects in animal studies. more here

8 Comments on Merck Anti-COVID Pill Will Not Be Added To India’s National Treatment Protocol

  1. I got a headache and body aches starting on Thursday. I was already taking a bunch of vitamins, etc. following the FLCCC guidelines. I started the ivermectin (prescribed by a doctor) that day. After about two days everything cleared up. I never had any respiratory symptoms.

  2. Sounds like India’s national drug approval agency is doing a much better job then the US’s pharma-bought-and-paid-for FDA.

  3. Trump pushed the effort to find a vaccine…J and J was one of them. We have a choice. The mRNA shots with graphemes hydroxide were touted by scientist so good intentions pave the road to Hell…Knowledge is power and now, thanks to science and data, we know the dangers of mRNA etc. etc,,,and yet Biden , the media and therefore Democrats double down the specific efforts to insert razor blades into the population which, along with genetic mutations, is forever…be ready ..

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