Merck Knew Its Popular Asthma Drug Could Lead Kids to Commit Suicide, Lawsuits Allege – IOTW Report

Merck Knew Its Popular Asthma Drug Could Lead Kids to Commit Suicide, Lawsuits Allege

According to a Reuters investigation, parents trying to sue Merck were “stymied by one of Corporate America’s most effective liability shields: the doctrine of federal preemption” which says federal law and federal regulations supersede state laws, but some are now moving forward.

Dozens of patients, including many children, died by suicide or suffered from neuropsychiatric problems after taking Singulair, Merck’s allergy and asthma medication, according to lawsuits that are finally proceeding, after decades of delays and legal challenges, Reuters reported.

Merck is accused of downplaying early evidence of Singulair’s impact on the brain. These claims “later faced intense scrutiny,” leading to “a raft of lawsuits alleging [Merck] knew … that the drug could impact the brain and that it minimized the potential for psychiatric problems in statements to regulators.”

Singulair, also known as montelukast, is available to adults and children as a medication for severe allergies and asthma. The drug “blocks chemicals, called leukotrienes, in the body,” according to Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician. Leukotrienes “can be involved in the precipitation of asthma and can cause respiratory symptoms, as well as inflammation of the airways,” Perro told The Defender. more

9 Comments on Merck Knew Its Popular Asthma Drug Could Lead Kids to Commit Suicide, Lawsuits Allege

  1. What do you say?
    We’ve discovered big pharma has been making drugs that are killers and sell them anyway.
    The Oxy trials and China Virus shots really brought it into the forefront.
    Anyone who wonders why trust in the medical industry has gone out the window is willfully ignorant.

  2. Is your child suicidal?
    Just order up some gender change surgery!
    After all, that seems to be the Left’s justification for it.

    Seriously tho, I can’t help but think that gender change isn’t somehow in this mix of side effects since it affects the brain!

  3. They should start suing prescribing doctors if they shield pharma for not providing informed consent. Doctors have become drug peddlers. They don’t tell you any side effects or black box warnings, they might not even know about them. They get kick backs on prescribing a lot of these drugs. Truly a disgusting system that has virtually nothing to do with health any longer. And people need to wake up. I can’t believe how many people are falling over themselves to get Ozempic to lose weight.

  4. A woman went to the doctor, and told him she had very bad farts that were both loud and smelled disgusting, but also that she ccould neither har or smell them. The doctor prescribed her pills and told her to take them several times every day and come back to his office in two weeks. This she did. On her return she told the doctor that she still had the farts, but now she could hear them. The doctor said, as he handed her another prescription- ‘this is good news. take these pills and we will fix your sense of smell’

    I think I was around 7 or 8 years old when I learned that

  5. I’m over 70 and was prescribed montelukast for a constantly running nose, not in any case severe asthma. I took it for about 2 months and noticed I was always angry for no real reason and lacked nearly all motivation along with other less confusing symptoms. I quit taking it because it was the only recent medication I was using. Took a few weeks but all my symptoms disappeared and I’m back to my normal angry but with some motivation. Now I read this. Doctors apparently don’t know (care) much about the medications they prescribe now-a-days.

  6. …with the EPA they seized control of the air we breathe.

    And with Obamacare they gave themselves power over the lungs we breathe it with.

    And we let them.

    You cannot be surprised when Communist do Communist things with the unconstitutional power we let them take.

    And first on the Communist agenda is always killing anyone who opposes them, followed by random killing just to keep the sheep in line.


  7. Eh, taking any medicine can be a toss up any way you look at it. I’ve been on singulair/montelukast for over 10 years now with no ill effects that I know of. But, then again, my case might be a little bit unusual.

    Right about the time the 24 hour antihistamines first started coming out I was having a lot of sinus infections. So of course my doctor wanted me to try one of them. Long story short, within a few weeks of taking any of them I’d end up with an irregular heart rhythm. The first time it happened they actually caught something on an EKG but the cardiologist who evaluated me couldn’t find anything actually going on with my heart. He immediately thought it was the 24 hour antihistamine causing the problem. So HE knew there was an issue with them. When I stopped taking it? Problem gone. But primary doctors still kept trying to put me on the 24 hour ones … always thinking the next one wouldn’t cause the same problem.

    Eventually, after a bad case of bronchitis a pulmonologist put me on singular when I told him about my misadventures with 24-hour antihistamines. The difference was amazing. I still have seasonal sinus issues but I’ve only had 1 or 2 bad sinus infections that needed antibiotics since I’ve been on singulair. The thing is, though, I’d been telling doctors for years that Benadryl made me hyper not sleepy and nobody believed me until the 24 hour stuff came along and made my reaction something they could actually measure.

    Like I said, a little unusual. But the bottom line is that doctors do like to try the next new thing on their patients. Always have. And sometimes that can be a good thing. It can also be bad though. One of the greatest benefits of the internet is that you can look up the known side effects yourself when they start experimenting on you. 😉


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