Merck Pharmaceutical Presents COVID-19 Pill With Data Showing 50 Percent Reduction in Hospitalization – IOTW Report

Merck Pharmaceutical Presents COVID-19 Pill With Data Showing 50 Percent Reduction in Hospitalization

CTH: As you read the news reports on a new anti-viral pill to battle COVID-19 from Merck called “Molnupiravir”,  keep in mind Merck is the pharma company that owns the anti-viral pill Ivermectin. MORE

19 Comments on Merck Pharmaceutical Presents COVID-19 Pill With Data Showing 50 Percent Reduction in Hospitalization

  1. They’re going to rename it Faucmerckmectin soon. lol
    PS. Ivermectin has a higher efficacy rate.
    Well, the modern hospitals interested in actually helping patients know this, anyway.

    CTH’s suspicious cat is correct to be suspicious.

  2. Something doesn’t add up. Why would Merck undercut it’s experimental gene therapy shot? If the jab works, why the pill? If the pill works, why the jab?

    Those who don’t trust their jab probably aren’t going to trust their pill either. So it’s not like they’re picking up new market share.

  3. Follow the money.
    The CDC is NOT a government agency.
    It is a corporation now. It used to be a government agency.
    In 1992 our congress determined that the CDC should be funded by private donations with no ceiling on those donations.
    Their thinking was that this would save the government money.
    Guess who donates hundreds of millions of dollars to the CDC now?
    Answer: Big Pharma.
    Because we have a litigious society where law-suits plague the medical industry, the insurance companies determined that the medical industry should follow strict CDC policy regarding prescribing medicines to avoid expensive law suits.
    The medical industry saw the benefit in this strategy and that is why they all follow CDC guidelines related to Covid vaccines.
    Naturally, the government stepped in and granted immunity to all medical providers and Big Pharma when using the experimental Covid vaccine.
    The government also rewarded medical providers and Big Pharma when the vaccine was administered.
    It all comes together.
    Every player wins.
    Big Pharma makes money and a portion of that profit is retroactively sent to the CDC.
    The CDC then reflects earned profits that they can spend on themselves and their top people. (benefits).
    Politicians who promote the CDC and Big Pharma profit from campaign donations (and unreported graft).
    Some CDC executives sit on the Big Pharma board of directors.
    Some Big Pharma executives sit on the CDC board of directors.
    Some of these executives become lobbyists for the pharmaceutical industry. (see the part where politicians receive graft)
    Some executives from the CDC and/or Big Pharma get strategic appointments in Washington DC.
    The insurance companies save money from law suits. Plus their dividends rise.
    As a bonus, medical providers and Big Pharma are rewarded by government when they administer the chosen vaccine.
    The government ultimately becomes more powerful as it becomes more dictatorial.
    (command and control).
    (that’s better than money for them).
    Who pays for all this circular graft?
    You do.
    Taxes go up because someone has to pay for this boondoggle.
    Follow the money.


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