Mercury – IOTW Report


It’s so weird.

In this video, I’ll be talking about the very interesting element Mercury. I try to cover as much as I can, including its properties, its history and interesting reactions.

15 Comments on Mercury

  1. This is kinda vulgar, yet interesting:

    I never personally witnessed this trick (nor would I want to), but many years ago a high school classmate of mine told me an uncle of his would squat naked over a piece of newspaper and swallow a small amount of liquid mercury. Within seconds the mercury would be on the newspaper.

    Not something I would recommend doing, mind you, but it sounds impressive as hell.


  2. A guy at work put a tilt switch in the boss’s chair and hooked it up to a fart machine (made fart sounds on activation). I know … childish … but funny.

    Even the boss laughed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I remember as a boy playing with the mercury that spilled from a broken thermometer. I was amazed at no matter how hard I tried, I could not get the dollop of mercury to be squished by my thumb, it would always shoot out from under it. Thank God, touching it has no ill effects!

  4. When I was a kid we used mercury from broken thermometers to make quicksilver dimes by rubbing the mercury on them, made them nice and shiny and gave them a sort of slippery feel. Dimes were silver then.

  5. @CrazyWhiteCracker – do not pay attention to that old scare story of fish full of mercury.

    It’s all about how the Fedl Gummint does the testing. The Fedl Gummint takes the whole fish and grinds it into a slurry. Think Dan Ackroyds BassOMatic. Then the Fedl Gummint tests the slurry and voila! “Fish are bad to eat and they’re loaded with Mercury and PCB PolyChloroBiphenyls! Global Warming!”

    But if you take that same fish and first remove all the guts, then fillet it and trim off the stomach area meat from the fillet….LIKE ANY NORMAL FISH-EATER WOULD DO….and only then grind up and test the fillet slurry….you would have ZERO contamination by mercury and PCB’s.

    Moral of the story: all that bad shit stays in the digestive tract and the Fedl Gummint will – much like Joe Pesce once said in a Mel Gibson film – fuck you at the drive thru!!

  6. When my sister was about 5 years old, the sperm donor was doing some gold panning and he had bottle of mercury that he used while panning. My sister picked the bottle up and drank it. Okay, just a side story…she survived after having her stomach pumped.

  7. @ Goldenfoxx FEBRUARY 23, 2021 AT 11:01 AM

    Mix black sand with HG. Gold will amalgamate with the HG. Cut a potato in half and make a cavity in it. Put HG in potato. Wrap in foil and bake it and then let it cool. Mash the potato and get the gold out and then pan the mashed potato to get the HG back


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