Merkel crosses fingers before German ‘Super Sunday’ regional polls – IOTW Report

Merkel crosses fingers before German ‘Super Sunday’ regional polls


BERLIN (Reuters) – Germans vote in three regional state elections on Sunday, with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives at risk of setbacks that would weaken her just as she tries to push through a deal to resolve Europe’s migrant crisis.

Migration is the hot topic, as worry how Germany will cope with an influx, totaling more than a million last year alone, that has come to define Merkel’s leadership, and on which she has staked her reputation.


14 Comments on Merkel crosses fingers before German ‘Super Sunday’ regional polls

  1. I didn’t realize she was considered a “conservative”. That revelation, combined with my observations of the last few US presidential races leads me to the conclusion that this word is now essentially useless as a political term.

  2. Europe’s classification of “conservative” and “liberal,” “right” and “left” are usually the polar opposite of ours. It’s screwy. In this case, cato has it right: a former member of the East German bloc. All you need to know.

    I hope her party loses BIG TIME.

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