Merkel defends open borders refugee policy during raucous campaign appearance – IOTW Report

Merkel defends open borders refugee policy during raucous campaign appearance

AT: German Chancellor Angela Merkel faced some rowdy demonstrators at a campaign event in Quedlinburg, Germany on Saturday, in advance of the September 24 election. The demonstrators were protesting Merkel’s open borders policy from 2015 that saw nearly a million refugees, mostly from Iraq and Syria, pour into the country.

Merkel had a change of heart in 2016, closing several border crossings and denying asylum to many. The result was that only 280,000 refugees entered Germany that year, and only 108,000 so far this year.

But Merkel told a local newspaper that she does not regret her decision to allow so many potential terrorists into the country. Germany has suffered a spate of terror attacks in the last two years and many blame Merkel’s policies for the attacks.  more here

10 Comments on Merkel defends open borders refugee policy during raucous campaign appearance

  1. Sorry to be ugly, but she needs to be thrown to those animals one evening, then interviewed again in the morning, if she is still alive — because this is what her people risk facing each time they go out.

  2. She may come out on top this cycle, but she and her Party have NO IDEA (or, with the help of the media, are in total denial of) how much resistance there actually is out there to this cr*p.

    I place the German sentiment on the equivalent somewhere between the McCain2008 and Romney2012 stage…meaning the NEXT cycle will hopefully bring about some serious shift. This round, AfD will be lucky to get around 10%.

    Groundswell/Cold Anger takes its time.

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