Merkel miffed about Trump not bowing down to climate change – IOTW Report

Merkel miffed about Trump not bowing down to climate change

ZeroHedge: In the end it was not mean to be. As discussed on Friday, during Trump’s first G-7 summit, world leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and new French President Emmanuel Macron, had hoped to persuade the the US president to endorse the Paris Agreement climate pledge to fight global warming. By the end of the summit – held at a luxury hotel in Taormina, Sicily that was once a Dominican monastery and base for the Nazi air force during World War Two – they realized they had failed, as Trump “underscored his determination to break the global mold” by refusing to follow the Group of Seven line not only on global warming but also by resisting measures on trade.

Furthermore, in what was described as an “unprecedented step“, the final G-7 communique gave the U.S. its own section to say that it is “undergoing a review process” and is unable to join in the discussion, an official cited by Bloomberg said. As a result while the US will remain excluded from the final affirmation, the other six, call it the G-6, will recommit to the Paris Agreement on climate change, which Trump tweeted Saturday he’d come to a decision on next week.  more

25 Comments on Merkel miffed about Trump not bowing down to climate change

  1. “…the other six, call it the G-6, will recommit to the Paris Agreement on climate change, which Trump tweeted Saturday he’d come to a decision on next week.”

    Hey Rodhamerkel. Remember when Trump and Romney had dinner? Don’t get your hopes up is all I’m saying.

  2. Eat shit you communist lesbian piece of shit. Screw your goddamn climate cult. Abiotic methane hydrate is the energy source of the next thousand years; not your fucking windmills.

  3. “There is right now no agreement. But we have made very clear that we are not moving away from our positions.” HAHAHA you think Trump is going to negotiate with you? LOL

    Such a relief to know we didnt elect a politician. Give ’em hell, Donald.

  4. So She and Maricon ( Gay Sp.) both actually believe in Gobal Warming ?
    I don’t get it ! It’s a joke right ? a ploy that worked in the U.S to propel liberal ideas and Bank Accounts. But do they really believe it’s a necessary thing about CLIMATE, if so their IQ ratio’s must be no more than 120.

  5. Climate change is what’s most important to this traitorous bitch. Meanwhile Merkel is tolerating a “rape culture” to sustain a politically correct stance on mass migration. Police reports show that Germany’s migrant rape crisis continues unabated. The German people should hang her.

  6. Plantsman,
    One of the many reasons I get so angry at the #NeverTrumpers or Cruz fanatics. There’s to much at stake. Global warming makes AlGore richer. Him and his buddies. A hoax not unlike Russian Hacking. Fing sick of it.

  7. It is of the highest moral urgency that the USA helps Germany reduce its carbon production. The most immediate and effective way reduce German carbon emissions is to ban the import of all carbon guzzling Mercedes, BMW, Audi and Volkswagens. The energy requirements of transforming all that steel, plastic, silicon and transporting them across an ocean is enormous.

    I think it can effect an immediate 10% reduction German carbon emissions with one stroke of Trump’s pen. The Germans will be on their knees, thanking us. If the reduction is not enough to turn German frowns upside down, then we can move onto Airbus. Do it, otherwise New York and Washington DC will be underwater.

  8. Do I understand that the M & M duo of frumpy East German commie Merkel and the sissy French cookie Macaroon are miffed at the Donald? Oh, what is to become of us?

  9. I don’t think she has the personal murder and extortion history that The Beastcunt has, but she attacked her own country with Islamic invaders. She’s at least aligned with Beastcunt’s agenda of nation destroying and subversion to regional, global governance.

    That Germans welcome this and there isn’t civil war tells me Germany is over. I’ve been there and it was a beautiful land. What a shame. What a crying shame.

    We have to stop this from happening in the States at all cost.

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