Merkel to face new backlash over open door immigration policy – IOTW Report

Merkel to face new backlash over open door immigration policy

DM UK: The viscous cases are likely to further deepen worries about so-called ‘lone wolf’ attacks in Europe and could put political pressure on Merkel.

The Afghan attacker came to Germany as an unaccompanied minor and was registered as a refugee on June 30 last year in Passau.

Frank Decker, political scientist at Bonn University, said: ‘In the minds of many people, his arrival is directly linked to Merkel and her liberal refugee policies.’

The attack took place days after a Tunisian delivery man ploughed a lorry into crowds of Bastille Day revelers in Nice, killing 84. ISIS has claimed responsibility for the mass murder.  MORE

14 Comments on Merkel to face new backlash over open door immigration policy

  1. There is video of Merkel on a stage where she is handed a German flag and casts it aside in disgust. She has as much respect for Germany as Obama has for the United States. Sickening.

  2. Surely someone in Germany has a length of rope and access to a lamp post?

    “The hungry Sheep look up, and are not fed,
    But swoln with wind, and the rank mist they draw,
    Rot inwardly, and foul contagion spread:”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Question: Any particular foreign leader whose executive stewardship you admire and might want to emulate as president?

    Hillary: Well, I have to say that I highly admire Angela Merkel. I’ve known Angela since the 1990s, she and I actually appeared on a German TV show together. I have spent personal time with her. She is, I think, a really effective strong leader and really right now the major leader in Europe, not just in Germany. I admire her political skills and her principles, her strong work ethic. I just find her to be an incredibly important person in the world today and I look to her to see how she’s managed it.

  4. I hate to say it, but it’s getting really hard to feel sorry for Germany. I do feel sorry for the children that are victims, but the adults who maintain Merkel and her policies… not so much.

  5. The German Government is sending invaders across the sub-continent, because the “German people” need economic expansion. Again (again). Everybody’s seen it before. Everybody knows how it ends. Now let’s all put on our “Surprise!” face, and claim we “Had no idea!” it had started. Again (again).

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