Merkel to Voters: “No Change to Migration Policy” – IOTW Report

Merkel to Voters: “No Change to Migration Policy”

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Gatestone: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed to continue her open-door migration policy — despite heavy losses in regional elections that were widely regarded as a referendum on that very policy.

Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) was defeated in two out of the three federal states voting on March 13. By contrast, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) — an upstart anti-establishment party campaigning against Merkel’s liberal migration policy — surged to double-digit results in all three states: Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt.

In a press conference after the election results were in, Merkel remained defiant. She reprimanded German voters for questioning her handling of the migration crisis: More

24 Comments on Merkel to Voters: “No Change to Migration Policy”

  1. Well Germany you heard her. It’s time for you to begin whatever procedure you have to remove her from office. Impeachment, recall, guys in black who kick in her door and toss her into the back of a black van in the middle of the night, whatever.

  2. @Rick, we’re basically back to monarchy with “elected” monarchs. Freedom had a good run, but complacency, individual greed and the insanity of “trading freedom for security” has put us back to where we were 200+ years ago.

  3. Poor Germany’s in the same boat as England – killed off all their manhood in the wars of the past two centuries.

    No men left to raise sons except sissies and back-benchers.

    Nothing but sissies and socialists as role models – guys who would rather bend over than fight.

    Merkel knows her audience.

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