Merkel vows to deport failed asylum seekers as election failure looms – IOTW Report

Merkel vows to deport failed asylum seekers as election failure looms

ExpressUK: DESPERATE Angela Merkel has vowed to deport failed asylum seekers – a year after opening Germany’s doors to more than a million refugees.

The Chancellor’s open-door policy has been widely criticised following a wave of terror attacks, with her approval rating plummeting to a five-year low.

But faced with the prospect of being booted out of power in next year’s general election, Mrs Merkel has now assured Germans she will change tack.

Speaking in Berlin yesterday, she said: “For the next months the most important thing is deportation, deportation, and again: deportation.”  MORE

16 Comments on Merkel vows to deport failed asylum seekers as election failure looms

  1. from above: “For the next months the most important thing is deportation, deportation, and again: deportation.”

    Threats to the very lives of her constituents, screw ’em. Threats to re-election, well now, that’s a different issue worthy of action right fucking now.

  2. She’s the one who welcomed them to Germany, with more than open arms. Now she’s trying to stop the flood of criticism coming down on her. Reminds my of some story I heard once about fingers in a dike. Holland maybe? I forget the specifics.

  3. Too late now, the really bad ones have moved on to set up cells throughout Europe and probably the US. And the rest of them have started reproducing lick cockroaches and will never all be found.

  4. She’s got a major, perhaps insurmountable, documentation problem. Where is she going to deport them to? They came in, many of them, with bogus papers. You can be sure that the intended destination countries will demand proper proof that the deportees are being dumped back where they belong.

  5. Merkel, if you or your family are being threatened by the cabal you need to come clean. This may sound cruel but it’s true. You and your family are not worth the destruction that the cabal’s policies are wreaking upon Europe.

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