Merrick Garland Claims Joe Biden, 81, ‘Has No Impairment’ – IOTW Report

Merrick Garland Claims Joe Biden, 81, ‘Has No Impairment’

“I have watched him expertly guide meetings of staff and of cabinet members on issues of foreign affairs and military strategy and policy,” he said.

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16 Comments on Merrick Garland Claims Joe Biden, 81, ‘Has No Impairment’

  1. All these goons of his say the same thing about how Joe Pedo is in “SUCH COMMAND” of meetings blah blah blah blah blah.

    Yet they never ever show him in action. They don’t even show him putting together a tweet because everyone knows his press secretary does it for him.

  2. Technically speaking, he’s correct. O’blowme’s sock puppet has no impairments because he’s not controlled by his own senses or cognition. It’s purely intentional that Biden has severely limited awareness of himself. But I don’t think O’blowme and O’Blowme’s globalist handlers were counting on Biden going complete whack-a-doodle so quickly and so obviously. I can smell the Left’s desperation sweat all the way out here in Seattle — especially since the winds have shifted on them. I hardly dare to think it, but when it all comes crashing down on the Left, under the sheer weight of the law of averages — which says it must — we’ll be looking back on these times as “the good old days.” Truly.

    The primary consolation in the above future is that there is a peculiar fascination we sinful humans have of horror and destruction.


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