Merrick Garland Denies He Lied to Congress – IOTW Report

Merrick Garland Denies He Lied to Congress

Well it’s not like he’s gonna arrest himself.

RedState: Attorney General Merrick Garland responded Tuesday to an IRS whistleblower’s claims that a senior Biden Administration official—who multiple news outlets have confirmed is Garland himself—interfered with Department of Justice investigations into possible tax and gun crimes by first son Hunter Biden.

Appearing at a news conference regarding an unrelated matter, the AG looked stoic and expressionless as he brushed off the whistleblower’s claims:

REPORTER: You assured Congress some time ago that the Hunter Biden investigation would be conducted without any kind of political interference and I’m wondering if you believe that is still the case… that the investigation is not being interfered with in any political way since an agent from Mr. Lee’s agency has now come forward claiming whistleblower status and alleging there has been some sort of interference.

GARLAND: That is still the case. I stand by my testimony.

The “Mr. Lee” that the reporter refers to is Chief Jim Lee of the IRS Service Criminal Investigations agency, which the whistleblower works for.

Garland then moved on, apparently unwilling to talk about the matter further. MORE

25 Comments on Merrick Garland Denies He Lied to Congress

  1. To think this little shit weasel was a hair’s breadth away from a seat on SCOTUS. I hate McConnell, but for one brief, shining moment, he did the right thing. Of course, Mitch assumed Hillary would win in 2016, and she would get to fill the vacant seat, and thereby owe Mitch a debt of gratitude, but still…

  2. Baghdad Bob could take lessons from this bunch in Pedo Joe’s admin.
    Stand there in front of everyone lying, knowing everyone knows you’re lying as if to say, you have no voice so shut up and obey.

  3. I was alone on the elevator, when it stopped on the third floor and Merrick Garland got on. A moment later, he rips this tremendous fart. Perhaps the worst liar ever, he turns to me and declares, “it wasn’t me.”

  4. We live in Orwellian times. In such a world truth is lies and lies are truth. So to Garland, the lies he told are the truth, so he did not lie.

    Besides, I didn’t know he ever said anything but “I am not aware of that” or “it is part of an ongoing investigation so I can’t comment.”

  5. Ahhhhhh, I’m triggered! Now I’m gonna ramble on about how these nonsense republican claims about a made up whistle blower aka disgruntled employee has manufactured proof, sure he does & I’m queen of England.

  6. Oh, my! He lied! He lied about lying! He is a LIAR! I am clutching my pearls and must fall back, with a dramatic sigh of horrified sorrow, onto my fainting couch. Ohh, the vapors, the vapors, get my smelling salts, I must revive from this waking nightmare, he, he, he… lied!
    F. J. B. FOAD the lot.

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