Mother arrested after finding, beating teen in bed with daughter – IOTW Report

Mother arrested after finding, beating teen in bed with daughter

– A woman has been arrested after telling police she beat a 16-year-old teen after finding him in bed with her teenage daughter inside her Mesa home on Thanksgiving.

jeanette woods

According to court documents, Jeanette Woods found the boy in her 16-year-old daughter’s bed after the two had consensual sex. The two teen’s had fallen asleep when the boy says he awoke to Woods yelling at him and punching him in the face just after 1 a.m.

The boy says Woods was straddling him and repeatedly punching him in the face and body. The boy eventually broke free, however, Woods chased him out of the house and down the neighborhood street, while continuing to punch him.  more here

36 Comments on Mother arrested after finding, beating teen in bed with daughter

  1. So aggravated assault, threats of murder and ……4 hours of anger management. It’s perfectly okay for first class citizens (females) to beat second class citizens (males). If the boy so much as threw a jab back at her, he gets charged with a felony.

  2. The part that gets me, is where the article describes “consensual sex”. Minors cannot agree to that. Also, technically, she beat a minor’s ass, but hey… that’s what jury nullification is for.

    Trial by jury, babe.

  3. Back in the day when COMMON SENSE (if you’re under 30, ask a parent or grandparent to explain the concept) mattered, everyone – including his very angry and chagrined parents – would’ve said that he had it coming and was lucky she’d didn’t do worse.

    Soon, Common Sense will be so rare that it will officially become a superpower!

  4. Mom looks like a piece of work, but… If I caught a boy in bed with my daughter (btw, why is he not with his family instead, and how did they wind up wandering off together…) I wouldn’t beat him. I’d shoot him. Then again, I truly believe my daughter wouldn’t do something so dumb.

  5. A man charged with killing his wife after catching her in bed with another man was asked by a judge why he shot her & not him. “Well, your honor, I figured it would be cheaper to shoot one wife instead of a different lover every week…..”

  6. Should be viewed as a crime of passion. Mom should get off easy.

    Funny if the boy ends up marrying the daughter. A dude will do anything for sex, including taking an occasional beating.

  7. Teens are just horny little rascals. They need to realize that they will have to live with the decisions they make for the rest of their lives. And some asshole wants to let 16 yr. olds vote? Like previously stated- common sense will become a super power.

  8. Good eye. This Mom already has a felony record…

    She pleaded guilty to felony intimidation after being accused in 2012 of attacking a 17-year-old girl with a metal baton.

    An assault charge was dropped in exchange for her pleading guilty to intimidation.

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