Message for Today’s Feminists – IOTW Report

Message for Today’s Feminists


Dear feminists, please take a long walk off a short pier.

That this combination of sentimental victimhood, postcolonial relativism, and utopian overreaching has caused feminism to suffer so profound a loss of moral and political imagination that it cannot speak against the brutalization of Islamic women is an incalculable loss to women and to men.

The great contribution of Western feminism was to expand the definition of human dignity and freedom. …Why shouldn’t feminists want to shout out their own profound discovery for the world to hear?

Perhaps, finally, because to do so would be to acknowledge the freedom they themselves enjoy, thanks to Western ideals and institutions. Not only would such an admission force them to give up their own simmering resentments; it would be bad for business.—Kay S. Hymowitz “Why Feminism is AWOL on Islam

Initially I began this article with the words, I have a message for today’s feminists: take a long walk off a short pier, but I thought to myself, “No, that is just rude, so I reworded it to impart a more refined and genteel tone, to wit:

Today’s feminists: Spineless brainwashed automatons of the Left.

I have a message for today’s feminists: dear feminists, please take a long walk off a short pier.

Much better.  Continued

7 Comments on Message for Today’s Feminists

  1. Feminism, is now part of Life !. Their Message of Equality is now so Politically Correct, that it’s Overflowing and has Sprung a Leak !
    They need to Slow Way Down, Re-Asses their Direction and to Float Back Down To Earth !

  2. Fucking drug addled imbecile Hippies matriculated into government and now up is down and good is bad and absolute lunacy is accepted as real.
    Sadly only hunger and destitution will teach the lessons required to re-achieve adulthood for most of these idiots.
    It is telling that the Conservative sees the world and decides he should change his own behavior; the Liberal sees the world and decides how everyone else should change theirs.

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