Metal Fragment Found on D.B. Cooper’s Tie May Point to Skyjacker’s Identity – IOTW Report

Metal Fragment Found on D.B. Cooper’s Tie May Point to Skyjacker’s Identity

A diligent D.B. Cooper researcher believes that a tiny metal fragment found on the skyjacker’s necktie could point the way to his identity. The optimistic assessment came by way of Eric Ulis, who has spent years studying the case and confidently told a Seattle TV station that “I would not be surprised at all if 2024 was the year we figure out who this guy was.” The researcher’s reasoning centers around a microscopic piece of metal, said to measure just “three to four percent of a single centimeter,” which was extracted from a necktie left behind by the skyjacker as he made his daring escape back in 1971. more

13 Comments on Metal Fragment Found on D.B. Cooper’s Tie May Point to Skyjacker’s Identity

  1. Im more interested in Obama’s birth certificate and school records. He was born in Kenya and no one remembers him from Columbia U. Some people remember him from Harvard Law, and those do said he was rarely there – and when he was, he was useless. He never changed, and Americans need to know the cocksucker is just another Claudine Gay fraud.

  2. Lathe or mill operator at Boeing subcontractor. Of course this was back when airplanes were actually made in Seattle, not just snapped together out of foreign parts.

  3. Awww, com’on. Even if you do figure it out, don’t tell us. He’s a folk hero (of sorts), and deserves to remain unknown, anonymous, and mysterious.

  4. Funny. Just yesterday while we listened to the head of NTSB recount the process of investigating the recent Alaska Air issue, she took great pains to explain that the incident undoubtedly resulted in terrible psychological trauma to “everyone on the aircraft”. It sounded to me like she was purposely teeing up all the lawfare “victims”, including those guys way back in the tail, whose only awareness of the incident was the oxygen masks falling from the ceiling. (Ok, I might be exaggerating for effect..but you get my point.) I said to Geoff C., “I don’t remember anyone on Cooper’s flight going completely haywire over the entire rear stairway being opened in mid-air. And the truth is, back then anyway, few people would even want to admit they were afraid — let alone sue someone over it.

    A metal fragment that small could very well be something picked up when the tie was manufactured — sewing machines, die cutters, etc. Sounds like a rabbit hole, but I suppose getting to the bottom of who Cooper was could be a profitable enterprise. The book would be interesting, anyway.

  5. Is the ghost of Art Bell still alive at Coast-to-Coast AM? Since I no longer drive late at night, I no longer hear it. It’s the radio equivalent of the Weekly World News, both are full of wacky conspiracy theories and oddball trivia that only nutjob wackos listen or pay attention to.

  6. Wow finding that answer will help us sleep better no doubt. How much money will the FBI burn up on another long forgotten dead horse that they end up redacting for 100 years? What’s next up???

  7. AA,
    “The book would be interesting, anyway.”
    Only the last several pages, when the name of the hitherto unknown DB Cooper is revealed. Other then that, meh.

  8. I knew it! But they never listen to my hunches no matter how many times I call them, even at home on weekends or late at night.

    Those fools! They just don’t recognize my genius.


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