Mexican Cartel Tunnel Discovered at California Border – IOTW Report

Mexican Cartel Tunnel Discovered at California Border

Breitbart CA: The Mexican military, in coordination with the Baja California Norte State Preventive Police (PEP), discovered a narco-tunnel leading into California late last week.

The tunnel was discovered on September 20 in the rural farming community of Ejido Jacume, located in the outskirts of Tecate–across the border from Jacumba Hot Springs, California. The tunnel was discovered after security forces received an anonymous report about the location. Authorities found the remote property with a residential structure containing the tunnel. The illicit infrastructure was operational for at least two years, according to local media reports. Officials said two weapons were located inside the residence: one rifle, and one handgun. No arrests were reported.

The cross-border tunnel was the fifth discovered during the current administration of Governor Francisco Arturo Vega de Lamadrid as part of the “Cruzada por la Seguridad, Tarea de Todos” (“Crusade for Security, everyone’s task”), according to the governor’s office. read more

12 Comments on Mexican Cartel Tunnel Discovered at California Border

  1. That’s an Hour from where I sit,and it’s one of my favorite areas to hike with my Lab’s. The area is at 3000 ft super dry and is adjacent to Hwy 8 which goes to Ariz etc, there is a very old Indian site I like to visit.
    One time my Labrador ” Kodiak” trapped a Mexican in a small Cave and scared the Crap out of the Illegal, He ran away as he saw I was open carrying.

  2. Dynamite it when full of illegal alien-invading rats.
    Or shoot the rats as they emerge – from either end.

    Or … do absolutely nothing … say “Tut, tut” and shake your head … then give em a filled-out ballot and show them the way to the nearest polling station and welfare office.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. They’re like moles!

    Evil little rodents, about 15% of my property is lawn. They can go wherever they want in the woods but they want that 15% of grass. Similar to how Mexicans can go anywhere in the world but they illegally come to the US.

    I’ve killed a few moles with gas/poison and even killed one underground as he was digging. Just a few days ago, I took a new approach. Flooded the little bastard out, then stabbed him with a weed fork as he was gasping for air!


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