Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX – IOTW Report

Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX

DALLAS (CBS11) –  The family of a woman convicted of voter fraud is speaking out after a Tarrant County jury sentenced her to eight years in prison.

Prosecutors say the reason officials at the elections department in Dallas didn’t stop the voter fraud from happening is because Rosa Ortega claimed she was a citizen on her application.

Now the Tarrant County D.A.’s office is calling for those claims to be verified before handing out registration cards.

Ortega’s attorney said the mother of four will undoubtedly be deported.

“What’s going to happen to the kids? So it’s not fair,” Rosa’s uncle, Felipe Ortega said.

He points out his niece has spent almost her entire life in the U.S. Her attorney said she has a learning disability and was confused about the difference between being a citizen and a legal resident, so she thought she was allowed to vote.

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27 Comments on Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX

  1. Deplorable, they CAN take the kids with them, no one makes the kids stay.

    Also, I call bullshit on her claim she didn’t know she couldn’t vote, that she didn’t know the diff between resident and citizen. Absolute bullshit.

  2. Just thought of this: They should have given her eight years with five or six suspended and booted out after she finishes the lower term. If she sneaks back in she serves the rest. (That’s how suspended sentences work, right?) That’s still a significant time in the can, but way less time for us to have to pay her keep. Plus it gives less for the whinging bitches to cry about.

    Though it irks the heck out of me they cry at all. She committed a felony, why should she be able to stay?

  3. What’s unfair, is that she was here illegally, living on my dime, and thought she had the right to criminally game the election process. The sentence was just. And quit dragging the kids into the fray. In eight years they should be well established with another family. Maybe old enough to fend for themselves.

  4. I’d rather spend 8 years in an American prison than one day on the streets of mexico. We need to put a chip on them and weaponize the fence – they might get one foot back in but that’s all we’d have to clean up.

  5. Sessions needs to prosecute about a 100 of these cases and make sure they get lots of airtime. Same with the inauguration rioters that caused damage. Once the snowflakes see that accepting the Soros paycheck for causing trouble carries a real price, like ten years federal, all this hoopla will die right down.

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