Mexican consulate warns of high crime in Washington, D.C. – IOTW Report

Mexican consulate warns of high crime in Washington, D.C.

JTN: Amid concerns of crime wave sweeping the U.S., the Mexican consulate in Washington, D.C., has warned the expat community of rising crime in the American capital.

“Attention Mexican community: The city of Washington, D.C. is experiencing a significant increase in crime in areas previously considered safe. Take precautions. In an emergency, call 911. For urgent consular assistance, dial (202) 997-0560,” the consulate tweeted this week. MORE

10 Comments on Mexican consulate warns of high crime in Washington, D.C.

  1. I hear the Capitol is pretty safe and SO well monitored that they can find and persecute every.single.person. that was inside it on a given day, so that area is probably pretty safe.

    The White House, not so much. Drugs, child rape, and the grandest of larcenies go on there all the time, and apparently the monitoring systems are nonfunctional.

    Avoid THAT area, particularly if you have small, recently shampooed girls.

  2. So the Mexican Govt is telling its citizens, illegally ensconced in Wash D.C., that they have been successful in turning it into another 3rd world Mexico type crap hole and it is now time to go elsewhere and do the same!

  3. Yeah, and also there are high crimes and misdemeanors, including treason, racketeering, conspiracy, fraud, money laundering, drug dealing, pedophilia, blackmail, extortion and many other crimes being committed by employees and officials of the U.S. Government.


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