Mexican Health Secretary Accuses WHO of Misinformation Over Alleged New Bird Flu Strain Death – IOTW Report

Mexican Health Secretary Accuses WHO of Misinformation Over Alleged New Bird Flu Strain Death

GP: Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer has refuted claims made by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the cause of death of a 59-year-old man in Mexico. The WHO had earlier announced that the man had succumbed to a new strain of bird flu that had not previously been found in humans.

During a morning briefing on Thursday, Alcocer vehemently denied the WHO’s announcement and clarified that the man died due to complications from kidney and respiratory failure, not from avian influenza, according to AA.

“I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad, since it speaks of a fatal case (of bird flu), which was not the case,” Alcocer said firmly.

The health secretary further suggested that the WHO failed to recognize that the patient’s death resulted from complications associated with longstanding health problems such as diabetes and renal failure. Investigations conducted found no evidence of contagion among people who had been in contact with the patient.

“So far, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission,” he added. more

8 Comments on Mexican Health Secretary Accuses WHO of Misinformation Over Alleged New Bird Flu Strain Death

  1. Secretary Alcocer must not realize that there is also an election in the United States this year, and the Dems need the bird flu to lock everyone down again.

  2. WHO would lie?! I’m shocked! Shocked I say!

    But coming from a weak federal system country’s “official”…

    I like LCD’s link above. Thanks, Dan!

  3. I bet the PCR test shows everybody to be infected. That same PCR test they said was unreliable and would stop using back in Dec. 21.
    So who really killed the most people?
    Fauci, Pfizer, Moderna, Doctors/Hospitals, or actual Covid?

  4. No one trusts health officials anymore, at any level. Besides the use of pandemics for control, COVID was used as an economic weapon, primarily by China. They would somehow find traces of COVID virus in shipments of goods from a country they were in trade negotiations with, then ban goods from that country. Once the agreements were signed, in their favor, no more worries.

    Countries with fragile economies are scared to death of having to deal with yet another pandemic. Their health officials know how bogus the tests became. They were, after all, complicit.

    So, who do we believe, the WHO who are craving global domination (and the Dems and others who are facing potential ruin in upcoming elections), or the Mexican health official frantically stomping out the flames of hysteria to defend their agricultural exports?

  5. ACParker
    FRIDAY, 7 JUNE 2024, 16:59 AT 4:59 PM
    “No one trusts health officials anymore, at any level. ”

    …they know that.

    In fact, they are probably counting on it.

    That way, when they unleash something TRULY horrorific, no one will seek treatment until its far too late.

    The population will help reduce itself.


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