Mexican national temporarily breaches Texas Air Force Base – IOTW Report

Mexican national temporarily breaches Texas Air Force Base

Just the News:
A teenage Mexican national breached a United States Air Force Base in Texas on Thursday, after his vehicle was stopped by Border Patrol agents, marking the second attempt to get onto a U.S. military base this month.

Two Jordanian migrants, who were in the U.S. illegally, attempted to drive a delivery truck past security guards and into Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia, on May 3. One of the migrants was reportedly on the terrorist watch-list. It also comes after a separate incident in March sawΒ one Chinese national drive onto a U.S. Marine baseΒ in California, and then refuse to leave.Β  more

12 Comments on Mexican national temporarily breaches Texas Air Force Base

  1. I imagine the Obiden regime is hoping one or more of these attempts succeeds and something horrible happens.

  2. When I was a kid and was visiting a friend at Wright Patt AFB in the ’80s, every guard at every gate could have told you how who I was, where I was from, where I was allowed to go, and what would happen if I fell outside those parameters. Inside there were signs of varying size and unfriendliness informing me very bluntly that if I was seen on the flight line I would be shot dead without warning. There were guys with sidearms and rifles around such places, enough to make it a credible threat, but my friend assured me there were more I couldn’t see, but with optics enough to make my scrawny body as big as a house to them. There were multiple security alerts while I was there, and each time all movement within the base was arrested and there was no doubt in my mind that I would be too if I tried to be a wise guy.

    We could do that then without all the AI and drone crap they have now.

    If we cant do it NOW, its only because they dont WANT to…

  3. 1960s SAC Air Force bases I was at, guards had orders to shoot to kill and then check their IDs, unless they came to the Guard House and showed their ID before they went anywhere else on base. Badges we carried had high fines for loss and a good bye. Today most likely they don’t get away with using the wrong pro-nouns.

  4. “There was a time the gate guards would shoot trespassers.”

    It’s still that time. Just matters where. And it’s never the first or even second gate you’ll encounter.

  5. @Cracker – yes they are, and they’re posted at every gate. Everybody must show proper DoD issued ID to be allowed entry.

    I don’t know what orders they are under, but I think they should have standing orders to shoot to kill any gate crashers that ignore orders to stop, and somehow get past the physical barriers.

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