Mexican President Demands U.S. Pay Up or ‘Flow of Migrants will Continue’ – IOTW Report

Mexican President Demands U.S. Pay Up or ‘Flow of Migrants will Continue’

Demands $20 billion a year, amnesty, sanctions lifted.

36 Comments on Mexican President Demands U.S. Pay Up or ‘Flow of Migrants will Continue’

  1. Ask the North African Barbary Coast folk what happened when they demanded tribute from President TJ.

    Of course Biden is scouring the world looking for people to whom he can give our money, so Brandon might see his call and raise him another $10,B

  2. Before Trump’s term is over Mexico will pay for the wall. Because the alternative will be USA sending ‘newcomers’ that shouldn’t have been allowed into Mexico’s southern border in the first place back to Mexico to deal with. They will negotiate a surrender, of sorts, which will include them paying for their complicity.

  3. Keep in mind that according to UN law (whatever the hell that is), any country that is a ‘safe haven’, Mexico for example, has to take them in. Mexico is doing no such thing – they are pushing all of them to US.
    Well and of course the definition of ‘refugee’ is nowhere near what is happening.

  4. 2 twists with a turn. This is all bout Texas, derp. Fuckhead Trump fake/false claim that Mexico will pay for a wet dream, a Trump/MAGA/GOP wet dream. Mexico will not does not honor jackass Abbott, period m

  5. Sippin’ Covfefe ☕ WEDNESDAY, 27 MARCH 2024, 12:56 AT 12:56 PM
    Weapons free.

    I’m with you.
    Put out a call for any and all volunteers that need to exercise and zero in their weapons, to come down to the South border.
    Government will provide all the ammunition, cleaning supplies, food, water, and sleeping facilities (may be tents and cots, meh).
    May cost several million, but that’s cheaper than $20 Billion.
    And it will send a message to the illegals, and all other Gubberments south of the US border.
    Bodies will be scoop loaded (a la “Soylant Green”) and dumped back over the south border for the Mexicans to deal with. (Tell ’em, “Hey! Free fertilizer!”)

  6. “Time to start shooting the invaders…”

    Way past time. And way past time to start shooting the enablers.
    The traitors among us are allowing America to be dissolved in a sea of maggots.

    Oh … wait … there’s some sports shit on the TV … I’ll get back to ya!

  7. The American public could easily solve this if they STOPPED BUYING AMERICAN BRANDED CARS that are actually Made in MEHIKO and switched to Whatever Japanese models are actually MADE IN USA & CANUCKISTAN.

    HONDA, TOYOTA, some Subaru make a lot of stuff in North America and they are reasonably better than the latest Crop of Crap from the SHIT-3


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